Job specifications are sometimes easy to write, and other times, not so easy.
The specification also depends on if the people to be hired are already trained or are to be trained on-the-job.
Regulatory citations
- None
Key definitions
- None
Summary of requirements
The job specification is the formal written documentation produced from the job analysis. It is a list of the required human traits (e.g., knowledge, skills, and abilities) required to perform a specific job. The job specification can be included as part of the job description.
Often the job lends itself to the creation of a specification. The specification also depends on if the people to be hired are already trained or are to be trained on-the-job. For example, the job specifications for a teacher could be based on education and previous experience. Teachers have already received the training needed to teach. Compare that with the job specification for an assembly line worker who is to be trained on-the-job and other factors need to be considered, such as ability to stand for long periods, manual dexterity, and the ability to learn the assembly process.
Remember, when creating the job specifications to only use traits that you can prove distinguish between high and low job performers.