['Species Protection']
['Endangered Species', 'Species Protection']
States have very specific species protections laws. They often vary in severity of penalty for taking protected species. Use this table to determine your state regulating agency for species protection and what each state covers in relation to this topic.
Federal regulatory citations
State comparison
Adherence to Federal Regulations
State Regulatory Citation
State Description/Penalty
State Regulating Agency
State Protected (Endangered and/or Threatened) List or Lists
Follows federal
State program
AS 16.20.180 to AS 16.20.210
Misdemeanor for harvesting, injuring, importing, exporting, or capturing a species or subspecies of fish or wildlife listed under AS 16.20.190 without a permit.
State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)
State program
A.R.S. §17-301 to §17-373
Civil penalty of $8,000 against any person for unlawfully taking, wounding, killing, or possessing any endangered species animal.
Arizona Game and Fish Department
State program
A.C.A. §15-45-301
Not specified
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
State program
14 CA ADC §670.1- §670.7
Penalty based on fair market value or valuation method plus $400–$10,000 for covered insects and animals (FGC §§3511, 4700, 4800, 5515 and 14 CCR 670.5) and $400–$5,000 for covered plants (670.2).
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
State program
C.R.S. §33-2-101 - 108
Misdemeanor for violations. Up to year in county jail, $2,000–$100,000 fine, or both and 20 license suspension points or suspension/revocation of license privileges.
Colorado Parks & Wildlife
State program
Ch. 495 Sec. 26-303 to 26-316
Illegal to take endangered/threatened species from public property, state waters, or property owner (without owner’s written permission). Illegal to sell, transport for commercial gain, or export species.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
State program
§601 of Title 7
Division pays up to $1,000 for information to arrest and convict person guilty of killing federally designated endangered/threatened species.
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
District of Columbia
State program
Chapter: 19-15
Except when otherwise provided by statute, a person violating a provision of §§ 1565-1577 shall be fined according to the schedule set forth in Title 16 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.
Washington D.C. Department of Energy & Environment
State program
379.2291 Endangered and Threatened Species Act
Third-degree felony for intentionally killing or wounding any wildlife designated as endangered/threatened/of special concern or for destroying eggs or nest of such fish or wildlife unless authorized.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
State program
O.C.G.A. §27-3
Misdemeanor to violate any rule or regulation promulgated by the board under this article.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
State program
H R S §195D-1 to §195D-32
Misdemeanor for violations. Fine of $5,000 per threatened species and $10,000 per endangered species.
Department of Land & Natural Resources - Division of Forestry and Wildlife
State program
I.C. §36-2401 - 2405
Not specified
Idaho Govenor's Office of Species Conservation
State program
520 ILCS 10
Class A misdemeanor for violating any provision of Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources; Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board
State program
IC 14-22-34
Class A misdemeanor for violations. May not take, possess, transport, export, process, sell, ship, or (for common/contract carrier) transport/receive for shipment endangered species/subspecies.
Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife
State program
571 IAC chapter 77
Simple misdemeanor for violating any provisions of 11 Code of Iowa Chapter 481B.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
State program
K.S.A. 32-957 to 963
Unlawful taking to intentionally take threatened/endangered species indigenous to the state unless specifically provided or in a special permit.
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
State program
301 KAR 3:061
Any person who violates any of the provisions shall be fined not less than one $100 nor more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months, or both.
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
State program
RS 56:1901- 1907
Any violation is class six violation punishable by $900–$950 fine, imprisonment up to 120 days, or both and includes forfeiting anything seized connected to the violation.
Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries
State program
Ch 925 §12801 -12810
Class E crime ($1,000 fine) for negligent violations. Class D crime ($2,000 fine) for intentional violations.
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
State program
COMAR 08.02.12 and 10-2A-01 - 09
Violating §10-2A-05 provisions, failing to obtain required permit, or violating permit punishable by up to $1,000 fine, up to year imprisonment, or both.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
State program
321 CMR 10.00
First violation offense is $500+ fine, up to 90 days imprisonment, or both. Second violation offense is $5,000–$10,000 fine, up to 180 days imprisonment, or both.
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife
324 MCL Part 365
Misdemeanor to violate this part or fail to obtain required permit. Punishable by up to 90 days imprisonment, a $100–$1,000 fine, or both.
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division
State program
Sec. 84.0895 MN Statutes
Misdemeanor to violate this section.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
State program
§49-5-101 to §49-5-119
Class I violation to violate subsection (c) of 49-5-109 or permit issued under subsections (d) and (e) of 49-5-111; punishable by $2,000–$5,000 fine and five days in county jail.
Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries, & Parks
State program
V.A.M.S. 252.020, 252.235, 252.240
Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of aClass B misdemeanor.
Missouri Department of Conservation
State program
87-5-101 to 87-5-132
Misdemeanor for violations. First conviction up to $250 fine; second up to $500, 30 days in county jail, or both. Subsequent convictions $500–$1,000 fine and possibly up to 6 months in county jail.
Montanta Fish, Wildlife, & Parks
State program
§37-801 to §37-811
Class II misdemeanor for violations of 37 NRS 805(3) or failing to get permit or violating permit.
Nebraska Game and Parks
State program
NRS 503.584 to NRS 503.589
Any animal declared threatened with extinction placed on list of fully protected species; no member of its kind may be captured, removed, or destroyed except under special department-issued permit.
Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
New Hampshire
State program
Section 212-A:1 to Section 212-A:16
Misdemeanor to violate RSA 212-A:7, I; RSA 212-A:6, IV; or permit requirements.
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department
New Jersey
State program
NJSA 23:2A-1 to 23:2A-1:16
Civil administrative penalty of up to $25,000 per violation of P.L.1973, c.309; each day the violation continues constitutes additional, separate, and distinct offense.
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
New Mexico
State program
N. M. S. A. 1978, § 17-2-37 to 17-2-46
Misdemeanor to violate Subsection C of Section 17-2-41 NMSA 1978. Punishable by $1,000 fine, 30-day to one-year imprisonment, or both.
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
New York
State program
6 NYCRR Part 182
Person who violates Environmental Conservation Law regulation, license, permit, or order may be liable for all penalties and other remedies, as well as penalty or remedy under other law.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish and Wildlife
North Carolina
State program
N.C.G.S.A. 113 Articles 25 and 25A
Class 1 misdemeanor for violating Article 25
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
North Dakota
State program (in progress)
Submitted North Dakota Endangered Species Protection Program for Pesticides to EPA in 2018 (under review)
North Dakota Ecological Services
State program
Section 1518.01 to Section 1518.99
Minor misdemeanor for injuring or removing endangered/threatened plant. Rule or permit violations: $1,000–$5,000 fine for first offense; $2,000–$10,000 fine per subsequent offense.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife
State program
Title 29 §2-109, §2-135, and §5-412
Violation of 29 OS 5-412 punishable by $750–$1,250 fine, 10 to 30 days in county jail, or both.
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
State program
ORS 496.171-496.192
Class A misdemeanor if violate wildlife law provisions or rules with a culpable mental state (unless otherwise provided).
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
State program
Title 58 §75.1 to §75.5
Misdemeanor of the second degree for first violation; may result in forfeiting privilege to hunt or take wildlife anywhere within Pennsylvania for 7 years.
Pennsylvania Game Commission
Rhode Island
State program
§20-37-1 to §20-37-5
Violations of 20 RI Gen L 20-37 punishable by $500–$5,000 fine, up to year imprisonment, or both.
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
South Carolina
State program
§50-15-10 to §50-15-90
Misdemeanor for violating Section 50-15-30(C) or failing to procure or violate Section 50-15-40(D) or (E) permit. Punishable by fine up to $2,500, up to year imprisonment, or both.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
South Dakota
State program
S D C L §34A-8-1 to S D C L § 34A-8-13
Class 2 misdemeanor for violations against state- or federally listed wildlife or plants.
South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks
State program
T. C. A. §70-8-101 to 112
Class B misdemeanor for violating §70-8-104 or failing to get or violating permit. Class A misdemeanor for failing to get or violating §70-8-106(d) and (e) permit.
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
State program
T.A.C. §65.171 - §65.177
Class C Parks and Wildlife Code misdemeanor for violations of this subchapter.
Texas Parks and Wildlife
31 TAC §65.175 (state.tx.us) and 31 TAC §65.176 (state.tx.us)
State program
U.C.A. 1953 §23-20-3 to §23-20-8
Class B misdemeanor for (a) violating UC 23A-5-309(1) and (b) does so with criminal negligence as defined in 76-2-103(4).
Utah Bureau of Land Management
State program
10 V.S.A. §4518 and §5401 - §5410
Violations of provision of 10 VSA 109.4518 or orders or rules of the Board or relating to the trade in covered animal parts or products punishable by $400–$1,000 fine, up to 60 days imprisonment, or both.
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department
State program
Va. Code Ann. §29.1-563 - §29.1-570
Class 1 misdemeanor for violating (a) 29.1-564, 29.1-566, or regulations issued pursuant to these sections or (b) 29.1-568 regulations or permits.
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
State program
West's RCWA 77.15.120, 77.15.130, and 77.15.135
Gross misdemeanor for second-degree unlawful taking. Class C felony for first-degree; licenses/tags used in crime revoked and 2-year suspension of hunt, fish, trap, and license privileges.
Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission
West Virginia
Follows federal
State program
W. S. A. 29.604, 29.977, and 29.983
Violations of Chapter 29 against endangered species protected under 29.604 punishable by civil action requiring damages of at least $875.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Follows federal
['Species Protection']
['Endangered Species', 'Species Protection']
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