Excessive water in the urine may be an attempt to mask drug use, or it can be as innocent as the employee drinking a lot of water normally or wanting to make sure an adequate urine sample can be produced at the collection site.
Summary of requirements
Potential causes of dilute specimens. Certain drugs can sometimes cause abnormal creatinine levels. Another explanation for a dilute specimen may be an employee drinking excessive amounts of water prior to a drug screen.
Results. A dilute specimen is reported out as either:
- Negative-dilute.Numerical values for creatinine and specific gravity are listed.
- Positive-dilute. Drug(s)/metabolites are noted.
In the event a positive drug test is also dilute, the test is treated as a verified positive test. No further action is taken by the employer.
Action taken by the employer on a negative dilute depends upon the value of the creatinine.
Negative dilutes. If the creatinine level is equal to or greater than 2 mg/dL, but less than or equal to 5 mg/dL, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) will direct the employer to send the driver immediately for a recollection under direct observations. The result of the recollection becomes the test of record. If the driver refuses, it is a refusal to be tested, which is a DOT violation requiring the DOT return-to-duty process.
If the creatinine level is greater than 5 mg/dL, company policy would dictate a motor carrier’s actions. A motor carrier may send the driver for a retest. However, it cannot be under direct observation and must be a part of their DOT drug and alcohol testing policy. This policy must contain which test type(s) requires recollections, and as with any policy, the driver must be told in advance of testing what the motor carrier has decided about the matter. All employees must be treated the same based on this policy. Even though this is an optional policy, it still must be conducted on a DOT chain of custody and drivers must be given minimum advance notice that they must go to the collection site. If a driver refuses, it is a DOT drug violation requiring the DOT return-to-duty process. The result of this second test becomes the test of record.
If the result of a retest, MRO-directed or company policy, is a negative dilute with a creatinine level greater than 5 mg/dL, no additional testing is permitted. However, if the employer recollection yields a result that requires a direct observation test in accordance with 40.197(b)(1), and the MRO instructs yet another test, you must do so.