Part 110—Discharge of oil RegSenseToxic/Hazardous Substance ReleasesCERCLA, SARA, EPCRAWater ProgramsWater QualityEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)Oil Spill PreventionOil Spill PreventionWater QualityEnglishRelease NotificationsWater ReportingCFR RegulationsCFR PartEnvironmentalOil SpillsFocus AreaUSA
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., 33 U.S.C. 1321(b)(3) and (b)(4) and 1361(a); E.O. 11735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR parts 1971-1975 Comp., p. 793.§110.1 Definitions.§110.2 Applicability.§110.3 Discharge into navigable waters of such quantities as may be harmful.§110.4 Dispersants.§110.5 Discharges of oil not determined "as may be harmful" pursuant to Section 311(b)(3) of the Act.§110.6 Notice.Source: 52 FR 10719, Apr. 2, 1987, unless otherwise noted.READ MORESHOW LESS['CERCLA, SARA, EPCRA', 'Water Programs', 'Oil Spill Prevention']['Oil Spills', 'Water Reporting', 'Toxic/Hazardous Substance Releases', 'Water Quality', 'Oil Spill Prevention', 'Release Notifications']