§1 — "Maritime Transactions" and "Commerce" Defined; Exceptions to Operation of Title.
§2 — Validity, Irrevocability, and Enforcement of Agreements to Arbitrate.
§3 — Stay of Proceedings Where Issue therein Referable to Arbitration.
§5 — Appointment of Arbitrators or Umpire.
§6 — Application Heard as Motion.
§7 — Witnesses before Arbitrators; Fees; Compelling Attendance.
§8 — Proceedings Begun by Libel in Admiralty and Seizure of Vessel or Property.
§9 — Award of Arbitrators; Confirmation; Jurisdiction; Procedure.
§10 — Same; Vacation; Grounds; Rehearing.
§11 — Same; Modification or Correction; Grounds; Order.
§12 — Notice of Motions to Vacate or Modify; Service; Stay of Proceedings.
§13 — Papers Filed with Order on Motions; Judgment; Docketing; Force and Effect; Enforcement.