(a) This subpart describes additional provisions governing submission of MCANs for microorganisms subject to significant new use rules identified in subpart M of this part.
(b) Manufacturers, importers, and processors described in �725.105(c) must submit a MCAN under subpart D of this part for significant new uses of microorganisms described in subpart M of this part, unless they are excluded under �725.910 or 725.912.
(c) Section 725.920 discusses exports and imports.
(d) Additional recordkeeping requirements specific to significant new uses of microorganisms are described in �725.950.
(e) Section 725.975 describes how EPA will approve alternative means of complying with significant new use requirements designated in subpart M of this part.
(f) Expedited procedures for promulgating significant new use requirements under subpart M of this part for microorganisms subject to section 5(e) orders are discussed in �725.980 and 725.984.
(g) This subpart L contains provisions governing submission and review of notices for the microorganisms and significant new uses identified in subpart M of this part. The provisions of this subpart L apply to the microorganisms and significant new uses identified in subpart M of this part, except to the extent that they are specifically modified or supplanted by specific requirements in subpart M of this part. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this subpart L and the provisions of subpart M of this part, the provisions of subpart M of this part shall govern.
(h) The provisions of subparts A through F of this part also apply to subparts L and M of this part. For purposes of subparts L and M of this part, wherever the words "microorganism" or "new microorganism" appear in subparts A through F of this part, it shall mean the microorganism subject to subparts L and M of this part. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of ssubparts A through F and the provisions of subparts L and M of this part, the provisions of subparts L and M of this part shall govern.
[62 FR 17955, Apr. 11, 1997]