['Air Programs']
['Hazardous Air Pollutants']
(a) You must develop and implement a written plan for demonstrating compliance that provides the detailed procedures you will follow to monitor and record data necessary for demonstrating compliance with this subpart. Procedures followed for quantifying solvent loss from the source and amount of oilseed processed vary from source to source because of site-specific factors such as equipment design characteristics and operating conditions. Typical procedures include one or more accurate measurement methods such as weigh scales, volumetric displacement, and material mass balances. Because the industry does not have a uniform set of procedures, you must develop and implement your own site-specific plan for demonstrating compliance before the compliance date for your source. You must also incorporate the plan for demonstrating compliance by reference in the source's title V permit and keep the plan on-site and readily available as long as the source is operational. If you make any changes to the plan for demonstrating compliance, then you must keep all previous versions of the plan and make them readily available for inspection for at least 5 years after each revision. The plan for demonstrating compliance must include the items in paragraphs (a)(1) through (8) of this section:
(1) The name and address of the owner or operator.
(2) The physical address of the vegetable oil production process.
(3) A detailed description of all methods of measurement your source will use to determine your solvent losses, HAP content of solvent, and the tons of each type of oilseed processed.
(4) When each measurement will be made.
(5) Examples of each calculation you will use to determine your compliance status. Include examples of how you will convert data measured with one parameter to other terms for use in compliance determination.
(6) Example logs of how data will be recorded.
(7) A plan to ensure that the data continue to meet compliance demonstration needs.
(8) On and after September 15, 2020, if you choose to operate your source under an initial start-up period subject to §63.2850(c)(2) or (d)(2), the items in paragraphs (c)(8)(i) and (ii) of this section:
(i) Your site-specific operating limits, and their basis, for temperature and pressure for the desolventizing and oil distillation units associated with solvent recovery.
(ii) A detailed description of all methods of measurement your source will use to measure temperature and pressure, including the measurement frequency.
(b) The responsible agency of these NESHAP may require you to revise your plan for demonstrating compliance. The responsible agency may require reasonable revisions if the procedures lack detail, are inconsistent or do not accurately determine solvent loss, HAP content of the solvent, or the tons of oilseed processed.
[85 FR 15629, March 18, 2020]
['Air Programs']
['Hazardous Air Pollutants']
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