['Air Programs']
['Air Quality']
(a) For each affected EGU subject to this subpart, you must not discharge from the affected EGU any gases that contain CO 2 in excess of the applicable CO 2 emission standard specified in table 1 or 2 to this subpart, consistent with paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, as applicable.
(b) Except as specified in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, you must comply with the applicable gross or net energy output standard, and your operating permit must include monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting methodologies based on the applicable gross or net energy output standard. For the remainder of this subpart (for sources that do not qualify under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section), where the term “gross or net energy output” is used, the term that applies to you is “gross energy output.”
(c) As an alternate to meeting the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section, an owner or operator of a stationary combustion turbine may petition the Administrator in writing to comply with the alternate applicable net energy output standard. If the Administrator grants the petition, beginning on the date the Administrator grants the petition, the affected EGU must comply with the applicable net energy output-based standard included in this subpart. Your operating permit must include monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting methodologies based on the applicable net energy output standard. For the remainder of this subpart, where the term “gross or net energy output” is used, the term that applies to you is “net energy output.” Owners or operators complying with the net output-based standard must petition the Administrator to switch back to complying with the gross energy output-based standard.
(d) Owners or operators of a stationary combustion turbine that maintain records of electric sales to demonstrate that the stationary combustion turbine is subject to a heat input-based standard in table 2 to this subpart that are only permitted to burn one or more uniform fuels, as described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, are only subject to the monitoring requirements in paragraph (d)(1). Owners or operators of all other stationary combustion turbines that maintain records of electric sales to demonstrate that the stationary combustion turbines are subject to a heat input-based standard in table 2 are only subject to the requirements in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(1) Owners or operators of stationary combustion turbines that are only permitted to burn fuels with a consistent chemical composition (i.e., uniform fuels) that result in a consistent emission rate of 69 kilograms per gigajoule (kg/GJ) (160 lb CO 2 /MMBtu) or less are not subject to any monitoring or reporting requirements under this subpart. These fuels include, but are not limited to hydrogen, natural gas, methane, butane, butylene, ethane, ethylene, propane, naphtha, propylene, jet fuel kerosene, No. 1 fuel oil, No. 2 fuel oil, and biodiesel. Stationary combustion turbines qualifying under this paragraph are only required to maintain purchase records for permitted fuels.
(2) Owners or operators of stationary combustion turbines permitted to burn fuels that do not have a consistent chemical composition or that do not have an emission rate of 69 kg/GJ (160 lb CO 2 /MMBtu) or less (e.g., non-uniform fuels such as residual oil and non-jet fuel kerosene) must follow the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements necessary to complete the heat input-based calculations under this subpart.
[89 FR 40029, May 9, 2024]
['Air Programs']
['Air Quality']
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