['Air Programs']
['Hazardous Air Pollutants']
For . . . | For the following compliance options and operating requirements . . . | You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . |
1 When conducting a repeat performance test, the capture efficiency demonstration required in Table 4 to this subpart, row 9 is not required to be repeated with the repeat emissions test if the capture device is maintained and operated consistent with its design as well as its operation during the previous capture efficiency demonstration conducted according to Table 4 to this subpart, row 9 as specified in §63.2267. | ||
2 You may forego the annual catalyst activity check during the calendar year when a performance test is conducted according to Table 4 to this subpart. | ||
(1) Each process unit listed in Table 1B to this subpart or used in calculation of an emissions average under §63.2240(c) | Compliance options in Table 1B to this subpart or the emissions averaging compliance option in §63.2240(c) and the operating requirements in Table 2 to this subpart based on monitoring of operating parameters | Collecting and recording the operating parameter monitoring system data listed in Table 2 to this subpart for the process unit according to §§63.2269(a) through (b) and §63.2270; AND reducing the operating parameter monitoring system data to the specified averages in units of the applicable requirement according to calculations in §63.2270; AND maintaining the average operating parameter at or above the minimum, at or below the maximum, or within the range (whichever applies) established according to §63.2262. |
(2) Each process unit listed in Tables 1A and 1B to this subpart or used in calculation of an emissions average under §63.2240(c) | Compliance options in Tables 1A and 1B to this subpart or the emissions averaging compliance option in §63.2240(c) and the operating requirements in Table 2 to this subpart based on THC CEMS data | Collecting and recording the THC monitoring data listed in Table 2 to this subpart for the process unit according to §63.2269(d); AND reducing the CEMS data to 3-hour block averages according to calculations in §63.2269(d); AND maintaining the 3-hour block average THC concentration in the exhaust gases less than or equal to the THC concentration established according to §63.2262. |
(3) Each process unit using a biofilter | Compliance options in Tables 1B to this subpart or the emissions averaging compliance option in §63.2240(c) | Conducting a repeat performance test using the applicable method(s) specified in Table 4 to this subpart 1 within 2 years following the previous performance test and within 180 days after each replacement of any portion of the biofilter bed media with a different type of media or each replacement of more than 50 percent (by volume) of the biofilter bed media with the same type of media. |
(4) Each process unit using a catalytic oxidizer | Compliance options in Table 1B to this subpart or the emissions averaging compliance option in §63.2240(c) | Checking the activity level of a representative sample of the catalyst at least annually 2 and taking any necessary corrective action to ensure that the catalyst is performing within its design range. |
(5) Each process unit listed in Table 1A to this subpart, or each process unit without a control device used in calculation of an emissions averaging debit under §63.2240(c) | Compliance options in Table 1A to this subpart or the emissions averaging compliance option in §63.2240(c) and the operating requirements in Table 2 to this subpart based on monitoring of process unit controlling operating parameters | Collecting and recording on a daily basis process unit controlling operating parameter data; AND maintaining the operating parameter at or above the minimum, at or below the maximum, or within the range (whichever applies) established according to §63.2262. |
(6) Each Process unit listed in Table 1B to this subpart using a wet control device as the sole means of reducing HAP emissions | Compliance options in Table 1B to this subpart or the emissions averaging compliance option in §63.2240(c) | Implementing your plan to address how organic HAP captured in the wastewater from the wet control device is contained or destroyed to minimize re-release to the atmosphere. |
(7) Each process unit listed in Table 1B to this subpart using a control device other than a biofilter | Compliance options in Tables 1B to this subpart | Conducting a repeat performance test using the applicable method(s) specified in Table 4 to this subpart 1 by August 13, 2023 or within 60 months following the previous performance test, whichever is later, and thereafter within 60 months following the previous performance test. |
[85 FR 49463, Aug. 13, 2020]
['Air Programs']
['Hazardous Air Pollutants']
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