['Air Programs']
['Air Quality']
OCPDB No. 1 | Chemical |
20 | Acetal. |
30 | Acetaldehyde. |
40 | Acetaldol. |
50 | Acetamide. |
65 | Acetanilide. |
70 | Acetic acid. |
80 | Acetic anhydride. |
90 | Acetone. |
100 | Acetone cyanohydrin. |
110 | Acetonitrile. |
120 | Acetophenone. |
125 | Acetyl chloride. |
130 | Acetylene. |
140 | Acrolein. |
150 | Acrylamide. |
160 | Acrylic acid & esters. |
170 | Acrylonitrile. |
180 | Adipic acid. |
185 | Adiponitrile. |
190 | Alkyl naphthalenes. |
200 | Allyl alcohol. |
210 | Allyl chloride. |
220 | Aminobenzoic acid. |
230 | Aminoethylethanolamine. |
235 | p-aminophenol. |
240 | Amyl acetates. |
250 | Amyl alcohols. |
260 | Amyl amine. |
270 | Amyl chloride. |
280 | Amyl mercaptans. |
290 | Amyl phenol. |
300 | Aniline. |
310 | Aniline hydrochloride. |
320 | Anisidine. |
330 | Anisole. |
340 | Anthranilic acid. |
350 | Anthraquinone. |
360 | Benzaldehyde. |
370 | Benzamide. |
380 | Benzene. |
390 | Benzenedisulfonic acid. |
400 | Benzene-sulfonic acid. |
410 | Benzil. |
420 | Benzilic acid. |
430 | Benzoic acid. |
440 | Benzoin. |
450 | Bennzonitrile. |
460 | Benzophenone. |
480 | Benzotrichloride. |
490 | Benzoyl chloride. |
500 | Benzyl chalcohol. |
510 | Benzyl amine. |
520 | Benzyl benzoate. |
530 | Benzyl chloride. |
540 | Benzyl dichloride. |
550 | Biphenyl. |
560 | Bisphenol A. |
570 | Bromobenzene. |
580 | Bromonaphthalene. |
590 | Butadiene. |
592 | 1-butene. |
600 | n-butyl acetate. |
630 | n-butyl acrylate. |
640 | n-butyl alcohol. |
650 | s-butyl alcohol. |
660 | t-butyl alcohol. |
670 | n-butylamine. |
680 | s-butylamine. |
690 | t-butylamine. |
700 | p-pert-butyl benzoic acid. |
750 | n-butyraldehyde. |
760 | Butyric acid. |
770 | Butyric anhydride. |
780 | Butyronitrile. |
785 | Caprolactam. |
790 | Carbon disulfide. |
800 | Carbon tetrabromide. |
810 | Carbon tetrachloride. |
820 | Cellulose acetate. |
840 | Chloroacetic acid. |
850 | m-chloroaniline. |
860 | o-chloroaniline. |
870 | p-chloroaniline. |
880 | Chlorobenzaldehyde. |
890 | Chlorobenzene. |
900 | Chlorobenzoic acid. |
905 | Chlorobenzotrichloride. |
910 | Chlorobenzoyl chloride. |
920 | Chlorodifluoroethane. |
921 | Chlorodifluoromethane. |
930 | Chloroform |
940 | Chloronaphthalene. |
950 | o-chloronitrobenzene. |
951 | p-chloronitrobenzene. |
960 | Chlorophenols. |
964 | Chloroprene. |
965 | Chlorosulfonic acid. |
970 | m-chlorotoluene. |
980 | o-chlorotoluene. |
990 | p-chlorotoluene. |
992 | Chlorotrifluoromethane. |
1000 | m-cresol. |
1010 | o-cresol. |
1020 | p-cresol. |
1021 | Mixed cresols. |
1030 | Cresylic acid. |
1040 | Crontonaldehyde. |
1050 | Crontonic acid. |
1060 | Cumene. |
1070 | Cumene hydroperoxide. |
1080 | Cyanoacetic acid. |
1090 | Cyanogen chloride. |
1100 | Cyanuric acid. |
1110 | Cyanuric chloride. |
1120 | Cychohexane. |
1130 | Cyclohexanol. |
1140 | Cyclohexanone. |
1150 | Cyclohexene. |
1160 | Cyclohexylamine. |
1170 | Cyclooctadiene. |
1180 | Decanol. |
1190 | Diacetone alcohol. |
1200 | Diaminobenzoic acid. |
1210 | Dichloroaniline. |
1215 | m-dichlorobenzene. |
1216 | o-dichlorobenzene. |
1220 | p-dichlorobenzene. |
1221 | Dichlorodifluoromethane. |
1240 | Dichloroethyl ether 1,2-dichloroethane. |
1250 | Dichlorohydrin |
1270 | Dichloropropene. |
1280 | Dicyclohexylamine. |
1290 | Diethylamine. |
1300 | Diethylene glycol. |
1304 | Diethylene glycol diethyl ether. |
1305 | Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether. |
1310 | Diethylene glycolmonobutyl ether. |
1320 | Diethylene glycolmonobutyl ether acetate. |
1330 | Diethylene glycolmonoethyl ether. |
1340 | Diethylene glycolmonoethyl ether acetate. |
1360 | Diethylene glycolmonomethyl ether. |
1420 | Diethyl sulfate. |
1430 | Difluoroethane. |
1440 | Diisobutylene. |
1442 | Diisodecyl phthalate. |
1444 | Diisooctyl phthalate. |
1450 | Diketene. |
1460 | Dimethylamine. |
1470 | N,N-dimethylaniline. |
1480 | N,N-dimethylether. |
1490 | N,N-dimethylformamide. |
1495 | Dimethylhydrazine. |
1500 | Dimethyl sulfate. |
1510 | Dimethyl sulfide. |
1520 | Dimethylsulfoxide. |
1530 | Dimethylterephthalate. |
1540 | 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid. |
1545 | Dinitrophenol. |
1560 | Dioxane. |
1570 | Dioxolane. |
1580 | Diphenylamine. |
1590 | Diphenyl oxide. |
1600 | Diphenyl thiourea. |
1610 | Dipropylene glycol. |
1620 | Dodecene. |
1630 | Dodecylaniline. |
1640 | Dodecylphenol. |
1650 | Epichlorohydrin. |
1660 | Ethanol. |
1661 | Ethanolamines. |
1670 | Ethyl acetate. |
1680 | Ethyl acetoacetate. |
1690 | Ethyl acrylate. |
1700 | Ethylamine. |
1710 | Ethylbenzene. |
1720 | Ethyl bromide. |
1730 | Ethylcellulose. |
1740 | Ethyl chloride. |
1750 | Ethyl chloroacetate. |
1760 | Ethylcyanoacetate. |
1770 | Ethylene. |
1780 | Ethylene carbonate. |
1790 | Ethylene chlorodhydrin. |
1800 | Ethylenediamine. |
1810 | Ethylene dibromide. |
1830 | Ethylene glycol. |
1840 | Ethylene glycol diacetate. |
1870 | Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether. |
1890 | Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether. |
1900 | Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate. |
1910 | Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether. |
1920 | Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate. |
1930 | Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether. |
1940 | Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate. |
1960 | Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether. |
1970 | Ethylene glycol monopropyl ether. |
1980 | Ethylene oxide. |
1990 | Ethyl ether. |
2000 | 2-ethylhexanol. |
2010 | Ethyl orthoformate. |
2020 | Ethyl oxalate. |
2030 | Ethyl sodium oxalacetate. |
2040 | Formaldehyde. |
2050 | Formamide. |
2060 | Formic acid. |
2070 | Fumaric acid. |
2073 | Furfural. |
2090 | Glycerol (Synthetic). |
2091 | Glycerol dichlorohydrin. |
2100 | Glycerol triether. |
2110 | Glycine. |
2120 | Glyoxal. |
2145 | Hexachlorobenzene. |
2150 | Hexachloroethane. |
2160 | Hexadecyl alcohol. |
2165 | Hexamethylenediamine. |
2170 | Hexamethylene glycol. |
2180 | Hexamethylentetramine. |
2190 | Hydrogen cyanide. |
2200 | Hydroquinone. |
2210 | p-hydroxy-benzoic acid. |
2240 | Isoamylene. |
2250 | Isobutanol. |
2260 | Isobutyl acetate. |
2261 | Isobutylene. |
2270 | Isobutyraldehyde. |
2280 | Isobutyric acid. |
2300 | Isodecanol. |
2320 | Isooctyl alcohol. |
2321 | Isopentane. |
2330 | Isophorone. |
2340 | Isophthalic acid. |
2350 | Isoprene. |
2360 | Isopropanol. |
2370 | Isopropyl acetate. |
2380 | Isopropylamine. |
2390 | Isopropyl chloride. |
2400 | Isopropylphenol. |
2410 | Ketene. |
2414 | Linear alkylsulfonate. |
2417 | Linear alkylbenzene. |
2420 | Maleic acid. |
2430 | Maleic anhydride. |
2440 | Malic acid. |
2450 | Mesityl oxide. |
2455 | Metanilic acid. |
2460 | Methacrylic acid. |
2490 | Methallyl chloride. |
2500 | Methanol. |
2510 | Methyl acetate. |
2520 | Methyl acetoacetate. |
2530 | Methylamine. |
2540 | n-methylaniline. |
2545 | Methyl bromide. |
2550 | Methyl butynol. |
2560 | Methyl chloride. |
2570 | Methyl cyclohexane. |
2590 | Methyl cyclohexanone. |
2620 | Methylene chloride. |
2630 | Methylene dianiline. |
2635 | Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. |
2640 | Methyl ethyl ketone. |
2644 | Methyl formate. |
2650 | Methyl isobutyl carbinol. |
2660 | Methyl isobutyl ketone. |
2665 | Methyl methacrylate. |
2670 | Methyl pentynol. |
2690 | a-methyl styrene. |
2700 | Morpholine. |
2710 | a-napthalene sulfonic acid. |
2720 | B-napthalene sulfonic acid. |
2730 | a-naphthol. |
2740 | B-naphthol. |
2750 | Neopentanoic acid. |
2756 | o-nitroaniline. |
2757 | p-nitroaniline. |
2760 | o-nitroanisole. |
2762 | p-nitroanisole. |
2770 | Nitrobenzene. |
2780 | Nitrobenzoic acid (o, m & p). |
2790 | Nitroethane. |
2791 | Nitromethane. |
2792 | Nitrophenol. |
2795 | Nitropropane. |
2800 | Nitrotoluene. |
2810 | Nonene. |
2820 | Nonyl phenol. |
2830 | Octyl phenol. |
2840 | Paraldehyde. |
2850 | Pentaerythritol. |
2851 | n-pentane. |
2855 | l-pentene. |
2860 | Perchloroethylene. |
2882 | Perchloromethylmercaptan. |
2890 | o-phenetidine. |
2900 | p-phenetidine. |
2910 | Phenol. |
2920 | Phenolsulfonic acids. |
2930 | Phenyl anthranilic acid. |
2940 | Phenylenediamine. |
2960 | Phthalic anhydride. |
2970 | Phthalimide. |
2973 | b-picoline. |
2976 | Piperazine. |
3000 | Polybutenes. |
3010 | Polyethylene glycol. |
3025 | Polypropylene glycol. |
3063 | Propionaldehyde. |
3066 | Propionic acid. |
3070 | n-propyl alcohol. |
3075 | Propylamine. |
3080 | Propyl chloride. |
3090 | Propylene. |
3100 | Propylene chlorohydrin. |
3110 | Propylene dichloride. |
3111 | Propylene glycol. |
3120 | Propylene oxide. |
3130 | Pyridine. |
3140 | Quinone. |
3150 | Resorcinol. |
3160 | Resorcylic acid. |
3170 | Salicylic acid. |
3180 | Sodium acetate. |
3181 | Sodium benzoate. |
3190 | Sodium carboxymethylcellulose. |
3191 | Sodium chloroacetate. |
3200 | Sodium formate. |
3210 | Sodium phenate. |
3220 | Sorbic acid. |
3230 | Styrene. |
3240 | Succinic acid. |
3250 | Succinitrile. |
3251 | Sulfanilic acid. |
3260 | Sulfolane. |
3270 | Tannic acid. |
3280 | Terephthalic acid. |
3290 & 3291 | Tetrachloroethanes. |
3300 | Tetrachlorophthalic anhydride. |
3310 | Tetraethyllead. |
3320 | Tetrahydronaphthalene. |
3330 | Tetrahydrophthalic anhydride. |
3335 | Tetramethyllead. |
3340 | Tetramethylenediamine. |
3341 | Tetramethylethylenediamine. |
3349 | Toluene. |
3350 | Toluene-2,4-diamine. |
3354 | Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate. |
3355 | Toluene diisocyanates (mixture). |
3360 | Toluene sulfonamide. |
3370 | Toluene sulfonic acids. |
3380 | Toluene sulfonylchloride. |
3381 | Toluidines. |
3393 | Trichlorobenzenes. |
3395 | 1,1,1-trichloroethane. |
3400 | 1,1,2-trichloroethane. |
3410 | Trichloroethylene. |
3411 | Trichlorofluoromethane. |
3420 | 1,2,3-trichloropropane. |
3430 | 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane. |
3450 | Triethylamine. |
3460 | Triethylene glycol. |
3470 | Triethylene glycoldimethyl ether. |
3480 | Triisobutylene. |
3490 | Trimethylamine. |
3510 | Vinyl acetate. |
3520 | Vinyl chloride. |
3530 | Vinylidene chloride. |
3540 | Vinyl toluene. |
3541 | Xylene (mixed). |
3560 | o-xylene. |
3570 | p-xylene. |
3580 | Xylenol. |
3590 | Xylidine, 1,3-butylene glycol, Dinitrotoluene, Methyltertbutyl ether, Phosgene, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polystyrene, Urea. |
1 The OCPDB Numbers are reference indices assigned to the various chemicals in the Organic Chemical Producers Data Base developed by the USEPA. |
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