4.21 (1) If the fumigation of a large means of containment is done using dangerous goods, the fumigation sign must be displayed at or next to each entryway through which a person can enter into the large means of containment. The consignor must ensure that the fumigation sign is displayed by the person in charge of the fumigation process and that the sign has displayed on it the name of the fumigant, the date and time the fumigant was applied and the date of ventilation.
(2) The fumigation sign must continue to be displayed on a large means of containment that has been fumigated until
(a) the large means of containment has been ventilated to remove harmful concentrations of the fumigant; and
(b) the dangerous goods that were in the large means of containment during the fumigation have been unloaded
SOR/2014-159, s. 24