Question 2:
Must school bus drivers be pre-employment tested after they return to work
after summer vacation in each year in which they do not drive for 30
consecutive days?
A school bus driver whom the employer expects to return to duty the next school
year does not have to be pre-employment tested so long as the driver has
remained in the random selection pool over the summer. There is deemed to be no
break in employment if the driver is expected to return in the fall.
On the other hand, if the driver is taken out of all U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
random pools for more than 30 days, the exception to pre-employment drug
testing in §382.301 would be unavailable and a drug test would have to be
administered after the summer vacation.
Question 3:
Is a pre-employment controlled substances test required if a driver returns to
a previous employer after his/her employment had been terminated?
Yes. A controlled substances test must be administered any time employment has
been terminated for more than 30 days and the exceptions under §382.301(c) were
not met.
Question 4:
Must all drivers who do not work for an extended period of time (such as
layoffs over the winter or summer months) be pre-employment drug tested each
season when they return to work?
If the driver is considered to be an employee of the company during the
extended (layoff) period, a pre-employment test would not be required so long
as the driver has been included in the company’s random testing program during
the layoff period. However, if the driver was not considered to be an employee
of the company at any point during the layoff period and was not covered by another employer’s drug testing program, then a pre-employment test
would be required. Consult 49 CFR 382.301(b) and (c) for further requirements.
Question 5:
What must an employer do to avail itself of the exceptions to pre-employment
testing listed under §382.301(c)?
An employer must meet all requirements in §382.301(c)(1) and (2), including
maintaining all required documents. An employer must produce the required
documents at the time of the Compliance Review for the exception to
Question 6:
May a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) driving skills test examiner conduct a driving skills test
administered in accordance with 49 CFR part 383 before a person subject to part
382 is tested for alcohol and controlled substances?
Yes. A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) driving skills test examiner, including a third party CDL driving
skills test examiner, may administer a driving skills test to a person subject
to part 382 without first testing him/her for alcohol and controlled
substances. The intent of the CDL driving skills test is to assess a person’s
ability to operate a commercial motor vehicle during an official government
test of their driving skills. However, this guidance does not allow an employer
(including a truck or bus driver training school) to use a person as a current
company, lease, or student driver prior to obtaining a verified negative test
result. An employer must obtain a verified negative controlled substance test
result prior to dispatching a driver on his/her first trip.
Question 7: A driver has tested positive and completed the referral and evaluation
process up to the point of being released by the SAP for a return-to-duty test.
The driver no longer works for the employer where he/she tested positive. The
driver applies for work with a new employer. Must the new employer conduct two
separate controlled substances tests (one pre-employment and one
return-to-duty), or will one test suffice for both purposes?
An individual, who has complied with the education/treatment process as
required under 49 CFR Part 40, Subpart O, but has not submitted to a
return-to-duty test, and is seeking employment with a new employer, a single
test will suffice to meet the requirements of §382.301 and §382.309 only when
the new employer would be required to conduct both tests on the same
Question 8: May an employer conduct a road test administered in accordance with 49
CFR §391.31 prior to driver-applicant subject to 49 CFR §382 submits to a
pre-employment controlled substances test?
Guidance:Yes. An employer may administer a road test to a
prospective driver subject to Part 382 without first testing him/her for
controlled substances. The intent of the road test is to effectively evaluate
the driver’s ability to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). This guidance
does not allow the motor carrier to dispatch the prospective driver on his/her
first trip prior to obtaining a verified negative test result.