['Species Protection']
['Species Protection']
(a) Operators must notify the Service at least 48 hours prior to commencement of activities.
(b) Monthly reports will be submitted to the Service MMM for all months during which noise-generating work takes place. The monthly report will contain and summarize the following information: dates, times, weather, and sea conditions (including the Beaufort Scale's sea state and wind force conditions) when sea otters were sighted; the number, location, distance from the sound source, and behavior of the sea otters; the associated project activities; and a description of the implementation and effectiveness of mitigation measures with a discussion of any specific behaviors the sea otters exhibited in response to mitigation.
(c) A final report will be submitted to the Service within 90 days after the expiration of each LOA. It will include the following:
(1) A summary of monitoring efforts (hours of monitoring, activities monitored, number of PSOs, and, if requested by the Service, the daily monitoring logs).
(2) A description of all project activities, along with any additional work yet to be done. Factors influencing visibility and detectability of marine mammals ( e.g., sea state, number of observers, and fog and glare) will be discussed.
(3) A description of the factors affecting the presence and distribution of sea otters ( e.g., weather, sea state, and project activities). An estimate will be included of the number of sea otters exposed to noise at received levels greater than or equal to 160 dB RMS re: 1 ?Pa (decibels root-mean squared referenced to 1 microPascal) (based on visual observation).
(4) A description of changes in sea otter behavior resulting from project activities and any specific behaviors of interest.
(5) A discussion of the mitigation measures implemented during project activities and their observed effectiveness for minimizing impacts to sea otters. Sea otter observation records will be provided to the Service in the form of electronic database or spreadsheet files.
(d) All reports must be submitted by email to fw7_mmm_reports@fws.gov.
(e) Injured, dead, or distressed sea otters that are not associated with project activities ( e.g., animals known to be from outside the project area, previously wounded animals, or carcasses with moderate to advanced decomposition or scavenger damage) must be reported to the Service within 24 hours of the discovery to either the Service MMM (1–800–362–5148, business hours); or the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward (1–888–774–7325, 24 hours a day); or both. Photographs, video, location information, or any other available documentation must be provided to the Service.
(f) Operators must notify the Service upon project completion or end of the work season.
[88 FR 24127, Apr. 19, 2023]
['Species Protection']
['Species Protection']
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