['Species Protection']
['Endangered Species']
(a) The list in paragraph (h) of this section contains the plant species determined by the Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) of the Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (hereafter in this section referred to as “the Services”) to be endangered species or threatened species. It also contains the plant species treated as endangered or threatened because they are similar in appearance to and may be confused with endangered or threatened species (see §§17.50 through 17.52). The “Common name,” “Scientific name,” “Where listed,” and “Status” columns provide regulatory information; together, they identify listed plant species within the meaning of the Act and describe where they are protected. When a taxon has more than one entry, the “Where listed” or “Status” column will identify its status in each relevant geographic area. The listing of a particular taxon includes all lower taxonomic units.
(b) “Scientific name” column. The Services use the most recently accepted scientific name. In cases where confusion might arise, one or more synonyms are provided in parentheses within the “Scientific name” column. The Services will rely to the extent practicable on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) to determine a species' scientific name. ITIS incorporates the naming principles established by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (see paragraph (g) of this section). If the scientific name in ITIS differs from the scientific name adopted for use under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the CITES nomenclature will be provided in brackets “[ ]” within the “Scientific name” column following the ITIS nomenclature.
(c) “Common name” column. Although common names are included, they cannot be relied upon for identification of any specimen, since they may vary greatly in local usage. In cases where confusion might arise, one or more synonyms are provided in parentheses within the “Common name” column.
(d) “Where listed” column. The “Where listed” column sets forth the geographic area where the species is listed for purposes of the Act. Except when providing a geographic description of an experimental population designation, “Wherever found” will be used to indicate the Act's protections apply to all individuals of the species, wherever found.
(e) “Status” column. Within the “Status” column, the following abbreviations are used:
Abbreviation | Regulatory status the abbreviation represents |
E | Endangered species. |
T | Threatened species. |
E (S/A) | Endangered based on similarity of appearance to an existing listed species. |
T (S/A) | Threatened based on similarity of appearance to an existing listed species. |
XE | Essential experimental population (See subpart H of this part). |
XN | Nonessential experimental population (See subpart H of this part). |
(f) “Listing Citations and Applicable Rules” column. The “Listing Citations and Applicable Rules” column is nonregulatory in nature and is provided for informational and navigational purposes only. Please note that the sections of part 17 that include designations of critical habitat for plants are organized by family name. A link to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), which displays the taxonomic hierarchy of a species, including its family name, is provided on each species' profile page accessible through the Service's Web site (http://www.fws.gov/endangered/) or information is available directly through the ITIS (http://www.itis.gov/).
(1) Within the “Listing Citations and Applicable Rules” column, the following superscripts are used:
Superscript | Description of citation or rule |
N | NMFS listing citation (NMFS Lead). |
J | Both FWS and NMFS listing citation (Joint Jurisdiction). |
CH | Critical habitat rule. |
4d | Species-specific “4(d)” rule (a rule issued under the authority of section 4(d) of the Act). |
10j | Species-specific “10(j)” rule (a rule issued under the authority of section 10(j) of the Act). |
(2) Listing citations contain the volume, document starting page number, and publication date of the Federal Register publication(s) in which a species' status was assessed. At least since 1973, these documents have included a statement indicating the basis for the listing or reclassification, as well as the effective date(s) of the listing or other rules that changed how the species was identified in the list in paragraph (h) of this section.
(3) “Critical habitat” and “Species-specific” rules superscripts provide cross-references to other sections in part 17 or part 222, 223, or 226 of chapter II of this title where critical habitat and species-specific rules are found. The species-specific superscripts also identify experimental populations. Experimental populations (superscript “10j”) are a separate citation, with one of the following symbols in the “Status” column: “XE” for an essential experimental population and “XN” for a nonessential experimental population.
(4) This column is for reference and navigational purposes only. All other appropriate rules in part 17, parts 217 through 226 of chapter II of this title, and part 402 of chapter IV of this title apply, if no species-specific rules are referenced. In addition, other rules in this title could relate to such species (for example, port-of-entry requirements). The references in the “Listing Citations and Applicable Rules” column do not comprise a comprehensive list of all regulations that the Services might apply to the species or to the regulations of other Federal agencies or State or local governments.
(g) The Services will rely to the extent practicable on ITIS (http://www.itis.gov) and standard references adopted for CITES (http://cites.org).
(h) The “List of Endangered and Threatened Plants” is provided in the table in this paragraph (h):
Scientific name | Common name | Where listed | Status | Listing citations and applicable rules |
Flowering Plants | ||||
Abronia macrocarpa | Large-fruited sand-verbena | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 37975, 9/28/1988. |
Abutilon eremitopetalum | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991. |
Abutilon menziesii | Kooloaula | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34412, 9/26/1986. |
Abutilon sandwicense | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Acaena exigua | Liliwai | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Acanthomintha ilicifolia | San Diego thornmint | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54938, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Acanthomintha obovata ssp. duttonii | San Mateo thornmint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 37858, 9/18/1985. |
Achyranthes mutica | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata | Round-leaved chaff-flower | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 10518, 3/26/1986; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Aconitum noveboracense | Northern wild monkshood | Wherever found | T | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. |
Aeschynomene virginica | Sensitive joint-vetch | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 21569, 5/20/1992. |
Agalinis acuta | Sandplain gerardia | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 34701, 9/7/1988. |
Agave eggersiana | No common name | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 53303, 9/9/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Alectryon macrococcus | Mahoe | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c) ; CH 50 CFR 17.99(e) ); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Allium munzii | Munz's onion | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54975, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Alopecurus aequalis var. sonomensis | Sonoma alopecurus | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Amaranthus brownii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 43178, 8/21/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(g). CH |
Amaranthus pumilus | Seabeach amaranth | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 18035, 4/7/1993. |
Ambrosia cheiranthifolia | South Texas ambrosia | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43648, 8/24/1994. |
Ambrosia pumila | San Diego ambrosia | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 44372, 7/2/2002; 50 CFR 17.96. CH |
Amorpha crenulata | Crenulate lead-plant | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. |
Amphianthus pusillus | Little amphianthus | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 3560, 2/5/1988. |
Amsinckia grandiflora | Large-flowered fiddleneck | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 19374, 5/8/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Amsonia kearneyana | Kearney's blue-star | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 2131, 1/19/1989. |
Apios priceana | Price's potato-bean | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 429, 1/5/1990. |
Arabis georgiana | Georgia rockcress | Wherever found | T | 79 FR 54627, 9/12/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Arabis hoffmannii | Hoffmann's rock-cress | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Arabis mcdonaldiana | McDonald's rock-cress | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978. |
Arabis (=Boechera) perstellata | Braun's Rock-cress | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 56, 1/3/1995; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Arctomecon humilis | Dwarf bear-poppy | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 64250, 11/6/1979. |
Arctostaphylos confertiflora | Santa Rosa Island manzanita | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Arctostaphylos franciscana | Franciscan manzanita | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 54434, 9/5/2012; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. crassifolia | Del Mar manzanita | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 52370, 10/7/1996. |
Arctostaphylos hookeri var. ravenii | Presidio manzanita | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61910, 10/26/1979. |
Arctostaphylos morroensis | Morro manzanita | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. |
Arctostaphylos myrtifolia | Ione manzanita | Wherever found | T | 64 FR 28403, 5/26/1999. |
Arctostaphylos pallida | Pallid manzanita | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 19842, 4/22/1998. |
Arenaria cumberlandensis | Cumberland sandwort | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 23745, 6/23/1988. |
Arenaria paludicola | Marsh sandwort | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41378, 8/3/1993. |
Arenaria ursina | Bear Valley sandwort | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Argemone pleiacantha ssp. pinnatisecta | Sacramento prickly-poppy | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 35302, 8/24/1989. |
Argyroxiphium kauense | Mauna Loa silversword | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 18029, 4/7/1993; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum | Ahinahina | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). |
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense | Ahinahina | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 9814, 3/21/1986. |
Argythamnia blodgettii | Blodgett's silverbush | Wherever found | T | 81 FR 66842, 9/29/2016. |
Aristida chaseae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25755, 4/27/1993. |
Aristida portoricensis | Pelos del diablo | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 32255, 8/8/1990. |
Asclepias meadii | Mead's milkweed | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 33992, 9/1/1988. |
Asclepias prostrata | Prostrate milkweed | Wherever found | E | 88 FR 12572, February 28, 2023; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Asclepias welshii | Welsh's milkweed | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 41435, 10/28/1987; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Asimina tetramera | Four-petal pawpaw | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34415, 9/26/1986. |
Astelia waialealae | Painiu | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Astragalus albens | Cushenbury milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus ampullarioides | Shivwits milkvetch | Wherever found | E | 66 FR 49560, 9/28/2001; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus applegatei | Applegate's milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 40547, 7/28/1993. |
Astragalus bibullatus | Guthrie's (=Pyne's) ground-plum | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 48748, 9/26/1991. |
Astragalus brauntonii | Braunton's milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus clarianus | Clara Hunt's milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Astragalus cremnophylax var. cremnophylax | Sentry milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 50184, 12/5/1990. |
Astragalus holmgreniorum | Holmgren milkvetch | Wherever found | E | 66 FR 49560, 9/28/2001; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus humillimus | Mancos milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 26568, 6/27/1985. |
Astragalus jaegerianus | Lane Mountain milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus lentiginosus var. coachellae | Coachella Valley milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus lentiginosus var. piscinensis | Fish Slough milk-vetch | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus magdalenae var. peirsonii | Peirson's milk-vetch | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus montii | Heliotrope milkvetch | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 42652, 11/6/1987; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus osterhoutii | Kremmling Osterhout milkvetch | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 29658, 7/13/1989. |
Astragalus phoenix | Ash Meadows milk-vetch | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus | Ventura Marsh milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 66 FR 27901, 5/21/2001; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Astragalus robbinsii var. jesupii | Jesup's milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 21481, 6/5/1987. |
Astragalus tener var. titi | Coastal dunes milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998. |
Astragalus tricarinatus | Triple-ribbed milk-vetch | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 53596, 10/6/1998. |
Astrophytum asterias | Star cactus | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 53804, 10/18/1993. |
Atriplex coronata var. notatior | San Jacinto Valley crownscale | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54975, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Auerodendron pauciflorum | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9935, 3/2/1994. |
Ayenia limitaris | Tamaulipan Kidneypetal | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43648, 8/24/1994. |
Baccharis vanessae | Encinitas baccharis | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 52370, 10/7/1996. |
Banara vanderbiltii | Palo de Ramón | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 1459, 1/14/1987. |
Baptisia arachnifera | Hairy rattleweed | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. |
Berberis nevinii | Nevin's barberry | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54956, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Berberis pinnata ssp. insularis | Island barberry | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Betula uber | Virginia round-leaf birch | Wherever found | T | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978; 59 FR 59173, 11/16/1994. |
Bidens amplectens | Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Bidens campylotheca ssp. pentamera | Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Bidens campylotheca ssp. waihoiensis | Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Bidens conjuncta | Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Bidens hillebrandiana ssp. hillebrandiana | Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Bidens micrantha ssp. ctenophylla | Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64637, 10/29/2013. |
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha | Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Bidens wiebkei | Kookoolau | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Blennosperma bakeri | Sonoma sunshine | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 61173, 12/2/1991. |
Boechera serotina | Shale barren rock cress | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 29655, 7/13/1989. |
Boltonia decurrens | Decurrent false aster | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 45858, 11/14/1988. |
Bonamia grandiflora | Florida bonamia | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 42068, 11/2/1987. |
Bonamia menziesii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Brickellia mosieri | Florida Brickell-bush | Wherever found | 79 FR 52567, 9/4/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH | |
Brighamia insignis | Olulu | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(a)(2). CH |
Brighamia rockii | Pua ala | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Brodiaea filifolia | Thread-leaved brodiaea | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54975, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Brodiaea pallida | Chinese Camp brodiaea | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49022, 9/14/1998. |
Bulbophyllum guamense | Siboyas halumtanu, Siboyan halom tano | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Buxus vahlii | Vahl's boxwood | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 32572, 8/13/1985. |
Calamagrostis hillebrandii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Callicarpa ampla | Capá rosa | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. |
Callirhoe scabriuscula | Texas poppy-mallow | Wherever found | E | 46 FR 3184, 1/13/1981; 46 FR 40025, 8/6/1981. |
Calochortus tiburonensis | Tiburon mariposa lily | Wherever found | T | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Calyptranthes thomasiana | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 8138, 2/18/1994. |
Calyptridium pulchellum | Mariposa pussypaws | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49022, 9/14/1998. |
Calyptronoma rivalis | Palma de manaca | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 4157, 2/6/1990. |
Calystegia stebbinsii | Stebbins' morning-glory | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. |
Campanula robinsiae | Brooksville bellflower | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 31190, 7/27/1989. |
Canavalia molokaiensis | Awikiwiki | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Canavalia napaliensis | Awikiwiki | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Canavalia pubescens | Awikiwiki | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Calamagrostis expansa | Maui reedgrass | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Cardamine micranthera | Small-anthered bittercress | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 38947, 9/21/1989. |
Carex albida | White sedge | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Carex lutea | Golden sedge | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 3120, 1/23/2002; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Carex specuicola | Navajo sedge | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 19370, 5/8/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Castilleja affinis ssp. neglecta | Tiburon paintbrush | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Castilleja campestris ssp. succulenta | Fleshy owl's-clover | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Castilleja cinerea | Ash-gray Indian paintbrush | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Castilleja mollis | Soft-leaved paintbrush | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Catesbaea melanocarpa | No common name | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 13116, 3/17/1999; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Caulanthus californicus | California jewelflower | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 29361, 7/19/1990. |
Ceanothus ferrisae | Coyote ceanothus | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Ceanothus ophiochilus | Vail Lake ceanothus | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54956, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ceanothus roderickii | Pine Hill ceanothus | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. |
Cenchrus agrimonioides | Kamanomano | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Centaurium namophilum | Spring-loving centaury | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Cercocarpus traskiae | Catalina Island mountain-mahogany | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 42692, 8/8/1997. |
Cereus eriophorus var. fragrans | Fragrant prickly-apple | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45618, 11/1/1985. |
Chamaecrista glandulosa var. mirabilis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 12788, 4/5/1990. |
Chamaecrista lineata var. keyensis | Big Pine partridge pea | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 66842, 9/29/2016. |
Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. deltoidea | Deltoid spurge | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. |
Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. pinetorum | Pineland sandmat | Wherever found | T | 82 FR 46691, 10/06/2017. |
Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. serpyllum | Wedge spurge | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 66842, 9/29/2016. |
Chamaesyce garberi | Garber's spurge | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. |
Chamaesyce hooveri | Hoover's spurge | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Charpentiera densiflora | Papala | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Chionanthus pygmaeus | Pygmy fringe-tree | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. |
Chlorogalum purpureum | Purple amole (Camatta Canyon amole) | Wherever found | T | 65 FR 14878, 3/20/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Chorizanthe howellii | Howell's spineflower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. |
Chorizanthe orcuttiana | Orcutt's spineflower | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 52370, 10/7/1996. |
Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegiana | Ben Lomond spineflower | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994. |
Chorizanthe pungens var. pungens | Monterey spineflower | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii | Scotts Valley spineflower | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta | Robust spineflower | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.96(b). CH |
Chorizanthe valida | Sonoma spineflower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. |
Chromolaena frustrata | Cape Sable thoroughwort | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 63795, 10/24/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a); CH 50 CFR 17.96(h). CH |
s Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale | Fountain thistle | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense | Chorro Creek bog thistle | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. |
Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum | Suisun thistle | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 61916, 11/20/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Cirsium loncholepis | La Graciosa thistle | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Cirsium pitcheri | Pitcher's thistle | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 27137, 7/18/1988. |
Cirsium vinaceum | Sacramento Mountains thistle | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 22933, 6/16/1987. |
Cirsium wrightii | Wright's marsh thistle | Wherever found | T | 88 FR 25208, 4/25/2023; 50 CFR 17.73(c); 4d 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Clarkia franciscana | Presidio clarkia | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Clarkia imbricata | Vine Hill clarkia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculata | Pismo clarkia | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. |
Clarkia springvillensis | Springville clarkia | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49022, 9/14/1998. |
Clematis morefieldii | Morefield's leather-flower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 21562, 5/20/1992. |
Clematis socialis | Alabama leather-flower | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34420, 9/26/1986. |
Clermontia drepanomorpha | Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Clermontia lindseyana | Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. brevipes | Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis | Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Clermontia peleana | Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Clermontia pyrularia | Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Clermontia samuelii | Oha wai | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Clitoria fragrans | Pigeon wings | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. |
Colubrina oppositifolia | Kauila | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Conradina brevifolia | Short-leaved rosemary | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. |
Conradina etonia | Etonia rosemary | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. |
Conradina glabra | Apalachicola rosemary | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. |
Conradina verticillata | Cumberland rosemary | Wherever found | T | 56 FR 60937, 11/29/1991. |
Consolea corallicola | Cactus, Florida semaphore | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 63795, 10/24/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Cordia bellonis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 1645, 1/10/1997. |
Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. maritimus | Salt marsh bird's-beak | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978. |
Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis | Soft bird's-beak | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 61916, 11/20/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Cordylanthus palmatus | Palmate-bracted bird's-beak | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 23765, 7/1/1986. |
Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. capillaris | Pennell's bird's-beak | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Cornutia obovata | Palo de nigua | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 11610, 4/7/1988. |
Coryphantha ramillosa | Bunched cory cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 64247, 11/6/1979. |
Coryphantha robbinsorum | Cochise pincushion cactus | Wherever found | T | 51 FR 952, 1/9/1986. |
Coryphantha scheeri var. robustispina | Pima pineapple cactus | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 49875, 9/23/1993. |
Coryphantha sneedii var. leei | Lee pincushion cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 61554, 10/25/1979. |
Coryphantha sneedii var. sneedii | Sneed pincushion cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 64741, 11/7/1979. |
Cranichis ricartii | None | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 60933, 11/29/1991. |
Crescentia portoricensis | Higuero de Sierra | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 46085, 12/4/1987. |
Crotalaria avonensis | Avon Park harebells | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. |
Cryptantha crassipes | Terlingua Creek cats-eye | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49634, 9/30/1991. |
Cucurbita okeechobeensis ssp. okeechobeensis | Okeechobee gourd | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. |
Cyanea acuminata | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea asarifolia | Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Cyanea asplenifolia | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea calycina | Haha | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea copelandii ssp. copelandii | Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. |
Cyanea copelandii ssp. haleakalaensis | Haha | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea crispa | Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea dolichopoda | Haha | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Cyanea dunbariae | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53130, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Cyanea duvalliorum | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea eleeleensis | Haha | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Cyanea gibsonii | Haha | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991. |
Cyanea glabra | Haha | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae | Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 32932, 6/27/1994; 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. carlsonii | Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora | Haha | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea horrida | Haha nui | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea humboldtiana | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Cyanea kauaulaensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Cyanea kolekoleensis | Haha | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Cyanea koolauensis | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea kuhihewa | Haha | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Cyanea kunthiana | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea lanceolata | Haha | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea lobata | Haha | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea longiflora | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea magnicalyx | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea mannii | Haha | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Cyanea maritae | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea marksii | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyanea mauiensis | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013. |
Cyanea mceldowneyi | Haha | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea munroi | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Cyanea obtusa | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyanea pinnatifida | Haha | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea platyphylla | Haha, akuaku | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). |
Cyanea procera | Haha | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Cyanea profuga | Haha | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Cyanea purpurellifolia | Haha | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012. |
Cyanea recta | Haha | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Cyanea rivularis | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Cyanea remyi | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Cyanea shipmanii | Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyanea solanacea | Popolo | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Cyanea st.-johnii | Haha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea stictophylla | Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyanea superba | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 46235, 9/11/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea tritomantha | Aku | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyanea truncata | Haha | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyanea undulata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Cycladenia humilis var. jonesii | Jones cycladenia | Wherever found | T | 51 FR 16526, 5/5/1986. |
Cyperus fauriei | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyperus neokunthianus | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Cyperus pennatiformis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(g); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyperus trachysanthos | Puukaa | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Cyrtandra crenata | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994. |
Cyrtandra cyaneoides | Mapele | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Cyrtandra dentata | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyrtandra ferripilosa | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyrtandra filipes | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyrtandra giffardii | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyrtandra gracilis | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyrtandra hematos | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Cyrtandra kaulantha | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae | Haiwale | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Cyrtandra munroi | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyrtandra nanawaleensis | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyrtandra oenobarba | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Cyrtandra oxybapha | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Cyrtandra paliku | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Cyrtandra polyantha | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyrtandra sessilis | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyrtandra subumbellata | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyrtandra tintinnabula | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyrtandra viridiflora | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyrtandra wagneri | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Cyrtandra waiolani | Haiwale | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Dalea carthagenensis var. floridana | Florida prairie-clover | Wherever found | E | 82 FR 46691, 10/06/2017. |
Dalea foliosa | Leafy prairie-clover | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 19953, 5/1/1991. |
Daphnopsis hellerana | No common name | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 23740, 6/23/1988. |
Deeringothamnus pulchellus | Beautiful pawpaw | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34415, 9/26/1986. |
Deeringothamnus rugelii | Rugel's pawpaw | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 34415, 9/26/1986. |
Deinandra (= Hemizonia) conjugens | Otay tarplant | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54938, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Deinandra increscens ssp. villosa | Gaviota tarplant | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Delissea rhytidosperma | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Delissea subcordata | Oha | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Delissea undulata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53124, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Delphinium bakeri | Baker's larkspur | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 4156, 1/26/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Delphinium luteum | Yellow larkspur | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 4156, 1/26/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Dendrobium guamense | No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Dicerandra christmanii | Garrett's mint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45621, 11/1/1985; 54 FR 38946, 9/21/1989. |
Dicerandra cornutissima | Longspurred mint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45621, 11/1/1985. |
Dicerandra frutescens | Scrub mint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45621, 11/1/1985; 54 FR 38946, 9/21/1989. |
Dicerandra immaculata | Lakela's mint | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 20212, 5/15/1985. |
Digitaria pauciflora | Florida crabgrass | Wherever found | T | 82 FR 46691, 10/06/2017. |
Diplacus vandenbergensis | Vandenberg monkeyflower | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 50844, 8/26/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Dodecahema leptoceras | Slender-horned spineflower | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 36265, 9/28/1987. |
Dracaena fernaldii | Hala pepe | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32014, 5/28/2013. |
Dracaena forbesii | Hala pepe | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Dracaena konaensis | Hala pepe | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). |
Dubautia herbstobatae | Naenae | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Dubautia imbricata ssp. imbricata | Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Dubautia kalalauensis | Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Dubautia kenwoodii | Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Dubautia latifolia | Koholapehu | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Dubautia pauciflorula | Naenae | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Dubautia plantaginea ssp. humilis | Naenae | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Dubautia plantaginea ssp. magnifolia | Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Dubautia waialealae | Naenae | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Dudleya abramsii ssp. parva | Conejo dudleya | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997. |
Dudleya cymosa ssp. marcescens | Marcescent dudleya | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997. |
Dudleya cymosa ssp. ovatifolia | Santa Monica Mountains dudleya | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997. |
Dudleya setchellii | Santa Clara Valley dudleya | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Dudleya stolonifera | Laguna Beach liveforever | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54938, 10/13/1998. |
Dudleya traskiae | Santa Barbara Island liveforever | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. |
Dudleya verityi | Verity's dudleya | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997. |
Echinacea laevigata | Smooth coneflower | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 46340, 10/8/1992; 87 FR 40100, 7/6/2022; 50 CFR 17.73(f). 4d |
Echinocactus horizonthalonius var. nicholii | Nichol's Turk's head cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61927, 10/26/1979. |
Echinocereus arizonicus ssp. arizonicus | Arizona hedgehog cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61556, 10/25/1979. |
Echinocereus chisoensis var. chisoensis | Chisos hedgehog cactus | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 38453, 9/30/1988. |
Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri | Kuenzler hedgehog cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 61924, 10/26/1979; 83 FR 21928, 5/11/2018. |
Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albertii | Black lace cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61918, 10/26/1979. |
Echinocereus viridiflorus var. davisii | Davis's green pitaya | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 64738, 11/7/1979. |
Echinomastus erectocentrus var. acunensis | Acuña cactus | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 60607, 10/1/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. corrugata | Ash Meadows sunray | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Eragrostis fosbergii | Fosberg's love grass | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Eremalche kernensis | Kern mallow | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 29361, 7/19/1990. |
Eriastrum densifolium ssp. sanctorum | Santa Ana River woolly-star | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 36265, 9/28/1987. |
Erigeron decumbens | Willamette daisy | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 3875, 1/25/2000; 50 CFR 17.96. CH |
Erigeron parishii | Parish's daisy | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Erigeron rhizomatus | Zuni fleabane | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 16680, 4/26/1985. |
Eriodictyon altissimum | Indian Knob mountain balm | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. |
Eriodictyon capitatum | Lompoc yerba santa | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Eriogonum apricum (incl. var. prostratum) | Ione (incl. Irish Hill) buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 28403, 5/26/1999. |
Eriogonum codium | Umtanum desert buckwheat | Wherever found | T | 78 FR 23983, 4/23/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Eriogonum gypsophilum | Gypsum wild-buckwheat | Wherever found | T | 46 FR 5730, 1/19/1981; 46 FR 40025, 8/6/1981; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Eriogonum kennedyi var. austromontanum | Southern mountain wild-buckwheat | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Eriogonum longifolium var. gnaphalifolium | Scrub buckwheat | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. |
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum | Cushenbury buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiae | Steamboat buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 24669, 7/8/1986. |
Eriogonum pelinophilum | Clay-loving wild buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 28562, 7/13/1984; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Eriogonum tiehmii | Tiehm's buckwheat | Wherever found | E | 87 FR 77368, 12/16/2022; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Eriophyllum latilobum | San Mateo woolly sunflower | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Eryngium aristulatum var. parishii | San Diego button-celery | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41384, 8/3/1993. |
Eryngium constancei | Loch Lomond coyote-thistle | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 31187, 8/1/1985; 51 FR 45904, 12/23/1986. |
Eryngium cuneifolium | Snakeroot | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. |
Eryngium sparganophyllum | Arizona eryngo | Wherever found | E | 87 FR 35431, June 10, 2022; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Erysimum capitatum var. angustatum | Contra Costa wallflower | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Erysimum menziesii | Menzies' wallflower | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. |
Erysimum teretifolium | Ben Lomond wallflower | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5499, 2/4/1994. |
Erythronium propullans | Minnesota dwarf trout lily | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 10521, 3/26/1986. |
Escobaria minima | Nellie's cory cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 64738, 11/7/1979. |
Eugenia bryanii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Eugenia haematocarpa | Uvillo | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 60565, 11/25/1994. |
Eugenia koolauensis | Nioi | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Eugenia woodburyana | No common name | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 46715, 9/9/1994; 87 FR 73994, 12/2/2022; 50 CFR 17.73(e).4d |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) celastroides var. kaenana | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) deppeana | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) eleanoriae | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Euphorbia haeleeleana | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) halemanui | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) herbstii | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) kuwaleana | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) remyi var . kauaiensis | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) remyi var . remyi | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 15609, 5/5/2011; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Euphorbia (=Chamaesyce) rockii | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergi | Akoko | Wherever found | E | 47 FR 36846, 8/24/1982; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Euphorbia telephioides | Telephus spurge | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 19813, 5/8/1992. |
Eutrema penlandii | Mosquito Range mustard | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 40539, 7/28/1993. |
Exocarpos luteolus | Heau | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Exocarpos menziesii | Heau | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Festuca hawaiiensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Festuca ligulata | Guadalupe fescue | Wherever found | E | 82 FR 42245, 9/7/2017. |
Festuca molokaiensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Flueggea neowawraea | Mehamehame | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Fremontodendron californicum ssp. decumbens | Pine Hill flannelbush | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. |
Fremontodendron mexicanum | Mexican flannelbush | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54956, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Fritillaria gentneri | Gentner's fritillary | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 69195, 12/10/1999. |
Galactia smallii | Small's milkpea | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. |
Galium californicum ssp. sierrae | El Dorado bedstraw | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. |
Gardenia brighamii | Nanu | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 33728, 8/21/1985. |
Gardenia mannii | Nanu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Gardenia remyi | Nanu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Geocarpon minimum | No common name | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 22930, 6/16/1987. |
Geranium arboreum | Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20589, 5/13/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Geranium hanaense | Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Geranium hillebrandii | Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Geranium kauaiense | Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Geranium multiflorum | Nohoanu | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Gesneria pauciflora | No common name | Wherever found | T | 60 FR 12483, 3/7/1995. |
Geum radiatum | Spreading avens | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 12793, 4/5/1990. |
Gilia tenuiflora ssp. arenaria | Monterey gilia | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. |
Gilia tenuiflora ssp. hoffmannii | Hoffmann's slender-flowered gilia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Goetzea elegans | Beautiful goetzea or matabuey | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 15564, 4/19/1985. |
Gonocalyx concolor | No common name | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 53303, 9/9/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Gouania hillebrandii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 44753, 11/19/1984; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2); CH 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Gouania meyenii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Gouania vitifolia | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 32932, 6/27/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Graptopetalum bartramii | Bartram's stonecrop | Wherever found | T | 86 FR 48545, 8/31/2021; 50 CFR 17.73(a). 4d |
Grindelia fraxino-pratensis | Ash Meadows gumplant | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Hackelia venusta | Showy stickseed | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 5515, 2/6/2002. |
Haplostachys haplostachya | No common name | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62468, 10/30/1979. |
Harperocallis flava | Harper's beauty | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 56862, 10/2/1979. |
Harrisia aboriginum | Prickly-apple, aboriginal | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 63795, 10/24/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Harrisia portoricensis | Higo chumbo | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 32252, 8/8/1990. |
Hedeoma todsenii | Todsen's pennyroyal | Wherever found | E | 46 FR 5730, 1/19/1981; 46 FR 40025, 8/6/1981; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Hedyotis megalantha | Pau dedu, Pao doodu | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Hedyotis purpurea var. montana | Roan Mountain bluet | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 12793, 4/5/1990. |
Helenium virginicum | Virginia sneezeweed | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 59239, 11/3/1998. |
Helianthemum greenei | Island rush-rose | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Helianthus paradoxus | Pecos (=puzzle, =paradox) sunflower | Wherever found | T | 64 FR 56583, 10/20/1999; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Helianthus schweinitzii | Schweinitz's sunflower | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 21087, 5/7/1991. |
Helianthus verticillatus | Whorled sunflower | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 44712, 8/1/2014. |
Helonias bullata | Swamp pink | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 35076, 9/9/1988. |
Heritiera longipetiolata | Ufa halumtanu, Ufa halom tano | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Hesperolinon congestum | Marin dwarf-flax | Wherever found | T | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Hesperomannia arborescens | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Hesperomannia arbuscula | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Hesperomannia lydgatei | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Hexastylis naniflora | Dwarf-flowered heartleaf | Wherever found | T | 54 FR 14964, 4/14/1989. |
Hibiscadelphus distans | Kauai hau kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 15903; 4/29/1986. |
Hibiscadelphus giffardianus | Hau kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | Hau kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Hibiscadelphus woodii | Hau kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Hibiscus arnottianus ssp. immaculatus | Kokio keokeo | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Hibiscus brackenridgei | Mao hau hele | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 5633, 11/11/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Hibiscus clayi | Clay's hibiscus | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Hibiscus dasycalyx | Neches River rose-mallow | Wherever found | T | 78 FR 56025, 9/11/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Hibiscus waimeae ssp. hannerae | Kokio keokeo | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Hoffmannseggia tenella | Slender rush-pea | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 45621, 11/1/1985. |
Holocarpha macradenia | Santa Cruz tarplant | Wherever found | T | 65 FR 14898, 3/20/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Hudsonia montana | Mountain golden heather | Wherever found | T | 45 FR 69360, 10/20/1980; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Hymenoxys herbacea | Lakeside daisy | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 23742, 6/23/1988. |
Hymenoxys texana | Texas prairie dawn-flower | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 8681, 3/13/1986. |
Hypericum cumulicola | Highlands scrub hypericum | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. |
Ilex cookii | Cook's holly | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 22936, 6/16/1986. |
Ilex sintenisii | None | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. |
Iliamna corei | Peter's Mountain mallow | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 17343, 5/12/1986. |
Ipomopsis polyantha | Pagosa skyrocket | Wherever found | E | 76 FR 45053, 7/27/2011; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus | Holy Ghost ipomopsis | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 13836, 3/23/1994. |
Iris lacustris | Dwarf lake iris | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 37972, 9/28/1988. |
Ischaemum byrone | Hilo ischaemum | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Isodendrion hosakae | Aupaka | Wherever found | T | 56 FR 1454, 1/14/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Isodendrion laurifolium | Aupaka | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Isodendrion longifolium | Aupaka | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Isodendrion pyrifolium | Wahine noho kula | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Isotria medeoloides | Small whorled pogonia | Wherever found | T | 47 FR 39827, 9/9/1982; 59 FR 50852, 10/6/1994. |
Ivesia kingii var. eremica | Ash Meadows ivesia | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ivesia webberi | Webber's ivesia | Wherever found | T | 79 FR 31878, 6/3/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Jacquemontia reclinata | Beach jacquemontia | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 62046, 11/24/1993. |
Jatropha costaricensis | Costa Rican jatropha | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 30199, 7/27/1984. |
Joinvillea ascendens ssp. ascendens | Ohe | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Juglans jamaicensis | Nogal or West Indian walnut | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 1691, 1/13/1997. |
Kadua cookiana | Awiwi | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Justicia cooleyi | Cooley's water-willow | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 31190, 7/27/1989. |
Kadua cordata ssp. remyi | Kopa | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999. |
Kadua coriacea | Kioele | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kadua degeneri | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kadua fluviatilis | Kamapuaa | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Kadua haupuensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Kadua laxiflora | Pilo | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Kadua parvula | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Kadua (=Hedyotis) st.-johnii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49639, 9/30/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Kanaloa kahoolawensis | Ka palupalu o Kanaloa, Kohe malama malama o Kanaloa | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2). |
Keysseria erici | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Keysseria helenae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Kokia cookei | Kokio | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62470, 10/30/1979; 50 CFR 17.99(c). |
Kokia drynarioides | Kokio | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 47397, 12/4/1984; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Kokia kauaiensis | Kokio | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Korthalsella degeneri | Hulumoa | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Labordia cyrtandrae | Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Labordia helleri | Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Labordia lydgatei | Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Labordia pumila | Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Labordia tinifolia var. lanaiensis | Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999. |
Labordia lorenciana | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Labordia tinifolia var. wahiawaensis | Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Labordia triflora | Kamakahala | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Lasthenia burkei | Burke's goldfields | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 61173, 12/2/1991. |
Lasthenia conjugens | Contra Costa goldfields | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33029, 6/18/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Layia carnosa | Beach layia | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992; 87 FR 18722, 3/31/2022; 50 CFR 17.73(b). 4d |
Leavenworthia crassa | fleshy-fruit gladecress | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 44712, 8/1/2014. |
Leavenworthia exigua var.laciniata | Kentucky glade cress | Wherever found | T | 79 FR 25683, 5/6/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Leavenworthia texana | Texas golden gladecress | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 56025, 9/11/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lembertia congdonii | San Joaquin wooly-threads | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 29361, 7/19/1990. |
Lepidium arbuscula | Anaunau | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Lepidium barnebyanum | Barneby ridge-cress | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 39860, 9/28/1990. |
Lepidium papilliferum | Slickspot peppergrass | Wherever found | T | 74 FR 52014, 10/8/2009; 81 FR 55058, 8/17/2016; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lepidium orbiculare | Anaunau | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Leptocereus grantianus | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 11550, 2/26/1993. |
Lespedeza leptostachya | Prairie bush-clover | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 781, 1/9/1987. |
Lesquerella congesta | Dudley Bluffs bladderpod | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 4152, 2/6/1990. |
Lesquerella kingii ssp. bernardina | San Bernardino Mountains bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lesquerella lyrata | Lyrate bladderpod | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 39864, 9/28/1990. |
Lesquerella perforata | Spring Creek bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 67493, 12/23/1996. |
Lesquerella tumulosa | Kodachrome bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 52027, 10/6/1993. |
Lessingia germanorum (=L. g. var. germanorum) | San Francisco lessingia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33368, 6/19/1997. |
Liatris helleri | Heller's blazingstar | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 44397, 11/19/1987. |
Liatris ohlingerae | Scrub blazingstar | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 31190, 7/27/1989. |
Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva | Huachuca water-umbel | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 665, 1/6/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lilium occidentale | Western lily | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 42171, 8/17/1994. |
Lilium pardalinum ssp. pitkinense | Pitkin Marsh lily | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Limnanthes floccosa ssp. californica | Butte County meadowfoam | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 24192, 6/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora | Large-flowered woolly meadowfoam | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 68004, 11/7/2002; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Limnanthes vinculans | Sebastopol meadowfoam | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 61173, 12/2/1991. |
Lindera melissifolia | Pondberry | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 27495, 7/31/1986. |
Linum arenicola | Sand flax | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 66842, 9/29/2016. |
Linum carteri var. carteri | Carter's small-flowered flax | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 52567, 9/4/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lipochaeta fauriei | Nehe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla | Nehe | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Lipochaeta micrantha | Nehe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Lipochaeta venosa | No common name | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62468, 10/30/1979. |
Lipochaeta waimeaensis | Nehe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Lithophragma maximum | San Clemente Island woodland-star | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 42692, 8/8/1997. |
Lobelia (gaudichaudii ssp.) koolauensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Lobelia monostachya | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Lobelia niihauensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Lobelia oahuensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Lomatium cookii | Cook's lomatium (Cook's desert parsley) | Wherever found | E | 67 FR 68004, 11/7/2002; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lupinus aridorum | Scrub lupine | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 11172, 4/7/1987. |
Lupinus constancei | Lassics lupine | Wherever found | E | 88 FR 69095, 10/5/2023; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Lupinus nipomensis | Nipomo Mesa lupine | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000. |
Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii | Kincaid's lupine | Wherever found | T | 65 FR 3875, 1/25/2000; 50 CFR 17.96. CH |
Lupinus tidestromii | Clover lupine | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27848, 6/22/1992. |
Lyonia truncata var. proctorii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25755, 4/27/1993. |
Lysimachia asperulaefolia | Rough-leaved loosestrife | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 22585, 6/12/1987. |
Lysimachia daphnoides | Lehua makanoe | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Lysimachia filifolia | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Lysimachia iniki | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Lysimachia lydgatei | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Lysimachia maxima | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53130, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Lysimachia pendens | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Lysimachia scopulensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Lysimachia venosa | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Macbridea alba | White birds-in-a-nest | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 19813, 5/8/1992. |
Maesa walkeri | No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. nesioticus | Santa Cruz Island bushmallow | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Malacothrix indecora | Santa Cruz Island malacothrix | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Malacothrix squalida | Island malacothrix | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Manihot walkerae | Walker's manioc | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49850, 10/2/1991. |
Marshallia mohrii | Mohr's Barbara's buttons | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 34698, 9/7/1988. |
Melanthera kamolensis | Nehe | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Melanthera tenuifolia | Nehe | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Melicope adscendens | Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 62346, 12/5/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Melicope balloui | Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 62346, 12/5/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Melicope christophersenii | Alani | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta | No common name | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens | No common name | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Melicope degeneri | Alani | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Melicope haupuensis | Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Melicope hiiakae | Alani | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Melicope knudsenii | Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Melicope lydgatei | Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Melicope makahae | Alani | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Melicope mucronulata | Alani | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Melicope munroi | Alani | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Melicope ovalis | Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 62346, 12/5/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Melicope pallida | Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Melicope paniculata | Alani | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Melicope puberula | Alani | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Melicope quadrangularis | Alani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994. |
Melicope reflexa | Alani | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Melicope remyi | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Melicope rostrata | Pilo kea lau lii | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Melicope saint-johnii | Alani | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Melicope zahlbruckneri | Alani | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Mentzelia leucophylla | Ash Meadows blazing-star | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Mezoneuron kavaiense | Uhiuhi | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 24672, 7/8/1986. |
Mimulus michiganensis (=Mimulus glabratus var. michiganensis ) | Michigan monkey-flower | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 25596, 6/21/1990; 75 FR 55686, 9/14/2010. |
Mirabilis macfarlanei | MacFarlane's four-o'clock | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 61912, 10/26/1979; 61 FR 10693, 3/15/1996. |
Mitracarpus maxwelliae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 46715, 9/9/1994. |
Mitracarpus polycladus | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 46715, 9/9/1994; 88 FR 74890, 11/1/2023; 50 CFR 17.73(i).4d |
Monardella viminea | Willowy monardella | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 54938, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Mucuna persericea | Sea bean | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32014, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). |
Myrcia paganii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 8138, 2/18/1994. |
Myrsine fosbergii | Kolea | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Myrsine juddii | Kolea | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Myrsine knudsenii | Kolea | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Myrsine linearifolia | Kolea | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Myrsine mezii | Kolea | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Myrsine vaccinioides | Kolea | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Navarretia fossalis | Spreading navarretia | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 54975, 10/13/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Navarretia leucocephala ssp. pauciflora (=N. pauciflora) | Few-flowered navarretia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33029, 6/18/1997. |
Navarretia leucocephala ssp. plieantha | Many-flowered navarretia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33029, 6/18/1997. |
Neostapfia colusana | Colusa grass | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Neraudia angulata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Neraudia ovata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Neraudia sericea | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2). CH |
Nervilia jacksoniae | No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Nesogenes rotensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 69 FR 10335, 3/5/2004. |
Nitrophila mohavensis | Amargosa niterwort | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 20777, 5/20/1985; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Nolina brittoniana | Britton's beargrass | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. |
Nothocestrum breviflorum | Aiea | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Nothocestrum latifolium | Aiea | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Nothocestrum peltatum | Aiea | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Nototrichium humile | Kului | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Ochrosia haleakalae | Holei | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Ochrosia kilaueaensis | Holei | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. |
Oenothera deltoides ssp. howellii | Antioch Dunes evening-primrose | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Opuntia treleasei | Bakersfield cactus | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 29361, 7/19/1990. |
Orcuttia californica | California Orcutt grass | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41384, 8/3/1993. |
Orcuttia inaequalis | San Joaquin Valley Orcutt grass | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Orcuttia pilosa | Hairy Orcutt grass | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Orcuttia tenuis | Slender Orcutt grass | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Orcuttia viscida | Sacramento Orcutt grass | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Osmoxylon mariannense | No common name | Wherever found | E | 69 FR 10335, 3/5/2004. |
Ottoschulzia rhodoxylon | Palo de rosa | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 13488, 4/10/1990; 87 FR 66591, 11/4/2022; 50 CFR 17.73(g). 4d |
Oxypolis canbyi | Canby's dropwort | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 6690, 2/25/1986. |
Oxytheca parishii var. goodmaniana | Cushenbury oxytheca | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 43652, 8/24/1994; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Oxytropis campestris var. chartacea | Fassett's locoweed | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 37970, 9/28/1988. |
Packera franciscana | San Francisco Peaks ragwort | Wherever found | T | 48 FR 52743, 11/22/1983; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Panicum fauriei var. carteri | Carter's panicgrass | Wherever found | E | 48 FR 46328, 10/12/1983; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Panicum niihauense | Lau ehu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Paronychia chartacea | Papery whitlow-wort | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. |
Parvisedum leiocarpum | Lake County stonecrop | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 33029, 6/18/1997. |
Pectis imberbis | Beardless chinchweed | Wherever found | E | 86 FR 31830, June 15, 2021; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Pedicularis furbishiae | Furbish's lousewort | Wherever found | T | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978; 88 FR 30047, 5/10/2023; 50 CFR 17.73(d). 4d |
Pediocactus bradyi | Brady pincushion cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61784, 10/26/1979. |
Pediocactus despainii | San Rafael cactus | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 34914, 9/16/1987. |
Pediocactus knowltonii | Knowlton cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62244, 10/29/1979. |
Pediocactus peeblesianus ssp. fickeiseniae | Fickeisen plains cactus | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 60607, 10/1/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Pediocactus peeblesianus ssp. peeblesianus | Peebles Navajo cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 61922, 10/26/1979. |
Pediocactus sileri | Siler pincushion cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 61786, 10/26/1979; 58 FR 68476, 12/27/1993. |
Pediocactus winkleri | Winkler cactus | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 44587, 8/20/1998. |
Penstemon debilis | Parachute beardtongue | Wherever found | T | 76 FR 45053, 7/27/2011; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Penstemon haydenii | Blowout penstemon | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 32926, 9/1/1987. |
Penstemon penlandii | Kremmling beardtongue | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 29658, 7/13/1989. |
Pentachaeta bellidiflora | White-rayed pentachaeta | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Pentachaeta lyonii | Lyon's pentachaeta | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 4172, 1/29/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Peperomia subpetiolata | Alaala wai nui | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Peperomia wheeleri | Wheeler's peperomia | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 1459, 1/14/1987. |
Peucedanum sandwicense | Makou | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Phacelia argentea | Sand dune phacelia | Wherever found | T | 88 FR 57180, 8/22/2023; 50 CFR 17.73(j); 4d 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Phacelia argillacea | Clay phacelia | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978. |
Phacelia formosula | North Park phacelia | Wherever found | E | 47 FR 38540, 9/1/1982. |
Phacelia insularis ssp. insularis | Island phacelia | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Phacelia submutica | DeBeque phacelia | Wherever found | T | 76 FR 45053, 7/27/2011; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Phlox hirsuta | Yreka phlox | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 5268, 2/3/2000. |
Phlox nivalis ssp. texensis | Texas trailing phlox | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49636, 9/30/1991. |
Phyllanthus saffordii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Phyllostegia bracteata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Phyllostegia brevidens | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Phyllostegia floribunda | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Phyllostegia glabra var. lanaiensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991. |
Phyllostegia haliakalae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Phyllostegia helleri | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Phyllostegia hirsuta | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Phyllostegia hispida | No common name | Wherever found | E | 74 FR 11319, 3/17/2009; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Phyllostegia kaalaensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Phyllostegia knudsenii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Phyllostegia mannii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Phyllostegia mollis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1) CH; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Phyllostegia parviflora | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Phyllostegia pilosa | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Phyllostegia racemosa | Kiponapona | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Phyllostegia renovans | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Phyllostegia stachyoides | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Phyllostegia velutina | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Phyllostegia waimeae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Phyllostegia warshaueri | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Phyllostegia wawrana | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Physaria douglasii subsp. tuplashensis | White Bluffs bladderpod | Wherever found | T | 78 FR 23983, 4/23/2013; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Physaria filiformis (= Lesquerella f.) | Missouri bladderpod | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 679, 1/8/1987; 68 FR 59337, 10/15/2003; 75 FR 55686, 9/14/2010. |
Physaria globosa | Short's bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 79 FR 44712, 8/1/2014. |
Physaria obcordata | Dudley Bluffs twinpod | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 4152, 2/6/1990. |
Physaria pallida | White bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 7424, 3/11/1987. |
Physaria thamnophila | Zapata bladderpod | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 63745, 11/22/1999; 50 CFR 17.96(a). |
Pilosocereus robinii | Key tree-cactus | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 29234, 7/19/1984. |
Pinguicula ionantha | Godfrey's butterwort | Wherever found | T | 58 FR 37432, 7/12/1993. |
Piperia yadonii | Yadon's piperia | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Pittosporum halophilum | Hoawa | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Pittosporum hawaiiense | Hoawa, haawa | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Pittosporum napaliense | Hoawa | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Pityopsis ruthii | Ruth's golden aster | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29341, 7/18/1985. |
Plagiobothrys hirtus | Rough popcornflower | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 3866, 1/25/2000. |
Plagiobothrys strictus | Calistoga allocarya | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Plantago hawaiensis | Laukahi kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). |
Plantago princeps | Laukahi kuahiwi | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Platanthera holochila | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Platanthera integrilabia | White fringeless orchid | Wherever found | T | 81 FR 62826, 9/13/16. |
Platanthera leucophaea | Eastern prairie fringed orchid | Wherever found | T | 54 FR 39857, 9/28/1989. |
Platanthera praeclara | Western prairie fringed orchid | Wherever found | T | 54 FR 39857, 9/28/1989. |
Pleodendron macranthum | Chupacallos | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 60565, 11/25/1994. |
Poa atropurpurea | San Bernardino bluegrass | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Poa mannii | Mann's bluegrass | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56330, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Poa napensis | Napa bluegrass | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Poa sandvicensis | Hawaiian bluegrass | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Poa siphonoglossa | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Pogogyne abramsii | San Diego mesa mint | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978. |
Pogogyne nudiuscula | Otay mesa mint | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41384, 8/3/1993. |
Polygala lewtonii | Lewton's polygala | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. |
Polygala smallii | Tiny polygala | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 29345, 7/18/1985. |
Polygonella basiramia | Wireweed | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. |
Polygonella myriophylla | Sandlace | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. |
Polygonum hickmanii | Scotts Valley polygonum | Wherever found | E | 68 FR 16979, 4/8/2003; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Polyscias (=Tetraplasandra) bisattenuata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Polyscias (=Tetraplasandra) flynnii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Polyscias (=Tetraplasandra) gymnocarpa | Oheohe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Polyscias (=Tetraplasandra) lydgatei | No common name | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Polyscias (=Munroidendron) racemosa (=racemosum) | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Portulaca sclerocarpa | Poe | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Portulaca villosa | Ihi | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Potamogeton clystocarpus | Little Aguja pondweed | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 57844, 11/14/1991. |
Potentilla hickmanii | Hickman's potentilla | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998. |
Primula maguirei | Maguire primrose | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 33731, 8/21/1985. |
Pritchardia affinis | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. |
Pritchardia aylmer-robinsonii | Wahane | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 41020, 8/7/1996. |
Pritchardia bakeri | Baker's loulu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Pritchardia hardyi | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010. |
Pritchardia kaalae | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996. |
Pritchardia lanigera | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64637, 10/29/2013. |
Pritchardia maideniana | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. |
Pritchardia munroi | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992. |
Pritchardia napaliensis | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996. |
Pritchardia remota | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 43178, 8/21/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(g). CH |
Pritchardia schattaueri | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996. |
Pritchardia viscosa | Loulu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996. |
Prunus geniculata | Scrub plum | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. |
Pseudobahia bahiifolia | Hartweg's golden sunburst | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 5542, 2/6/1997. |
Pseudobahia | San Joaquin adobe sunburst | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 5542, 2/6/1997. |
Pseudognaphalium sandwicensium var. molokaiense | Enaena | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Psychotria grandiflora | Kopiko | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis | Kopiko | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Psychotria hobdyi | Kopiko | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Psychotria malaspinae | Aplokating palaoan | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Pteralyxia kauaiensis | Kaulu | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Pteralyxia macrocarpa | Kaulu | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Ptilimnium nodosum | Harperella | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 37978, 9/28/1988. |
Purshia subintegra | Arizona cliffrose | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 22326, 5/29/1984. |
Quercus hinckleyi | Hinckley's oak | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 32824, 8/26/1988. |
Ranunculus acriformis var. aestivalis | Autumn buttercup | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 30550, 7/21/1989. |
Ranunculus hawaiensis | Makou | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Ranunculus mauiensis | Makou | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Remya kauaiensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 1450, 1/14/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Remya mauiensis | Maui remya | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 1450, 1/14/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Remya montgomeryi | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 1450, 1/14/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. leedyi (= Sedum integrifolium ssp. l. ) | Leedy's roseroot | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 14649, 4/22/1992; 75 FR 55686, 9/14/2010. |
Rhododendron chapmanii | Chapman rhododendron | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 24248, 4/24/1979. |
Rhus michauxii | Michaux's sumac | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 39850, 9/28/1989. |
Rhynchospora knieskernii | Knieskern's beaked-rush | Wherever found | T | 56 FR 32978, 7/18/1991. |
Ribes echinellum | Miccosukee gooseberry | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 29338, 7/18/1985. |
Rorippa gambellii | Gambel's watercress | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 41378, 8/3/1993. |
Sagittaria fasciculata | Bunched arrowhead | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 43700, 7/25/1979. |
Sagittaria secundifolia | Kral's water-plantain | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 13907, 4/13/1990. |
Sanicula mariversa | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Sanicula purpurea | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Sanicula sandwicensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Santalum haleakalae var.lanaiense | Lanai sandalwood or iliahi | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 3182, 1/24/1986; 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Santalum involutum | Iliahi | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Sarracenia oreophila | Green pitcher-plant | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 54922, 9/21/1979; 45 FR 18929, 3/24/1980. |
Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis | Alabama canebrake pitcher-plant | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 10150, 3/10/1989. |
Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii | Mountain sweet pitcher-plant | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 38470, 9/30/1988. |
Scaevola coriacea | Dwarf naupaka | Wherever found | E | 51 FR 17971, 5/16/1986. |
Schenkia sebaeoides | Awiwi | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Schiedea adamantis | Diamond Head schiedea | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 6099, 2/17/1984. |
Schiedea apokremnos | Maolioli | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 49639, 9/30/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schiedea attenuata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Schiedea diffusa ssp. diffusa | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Schiedea diffusa ssp. macraei | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Schiedea haleakalensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Schiedea hawaiiensis | Maolioli | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Schiedea helleri | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schiedea hookeri | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Schiedea jacobii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Schiedea kaalae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Schiedea kauaiensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schiedea kealiae | Maolioli | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Schiedea laui | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Schiedea (=Alsinidendron) lychnoides | Kuawawaenohu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schiedea lydgatei | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Schiedea membranacea | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schiedea nuttallii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53108, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Schiedea obovata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Schiedea pubescens | Maolioli | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Schiedea salicaria | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Schiedea sarmentosa | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53130, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Schiedea spergulina var. leiopoda | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schiedea spergulina var. spergulina | No common name | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schiedea stellarioides | Laulihilihi (=Maolioli) | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schiedea trinervis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Schiedea verticillata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 43178, 8/21/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(g). CH |
Schiedea (=Alsinidendron) viscosa (=viscosum) | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Schoenocrambe argillacea | Clay reed-mustard | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 1398, 1/14/1992. |
Schoenocrambe barnebyi | Barneby reed-mustard | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 1398, 1/14/1992. |
Schoenocrambe suffrutescens | Shrubby reed-mustard | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 37416, 10/6/1987. |
Schoepfia arenaria | None | Wherever found | T | 56 FR 16021, 4/19/1991. |
Schwalbea americana | American chaffseed | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 44703, 9/29/1992. |
Scirpus ancistrochaetus | Northeastern bulrush | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 21091, 5/7/1991. |
Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii | Tobusch fishhook cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 64736, 11/7/1979; 83 FR 22392, 5/15/2018. |
Sclerocactus brevispinus | Pariette cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 58868, 10/11/1979; 74 FR 47112, 9/15/2009. |
Sclerocactus glaucus | Colorado hookless cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 58868, 10/11/1979; 74 FR 47112, 9/15/2009. |
Sclerocactus mariposensis | Lloyd's mariposa cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 64247, 11/6/1979. |
Sclerocactus mesae-verdae | Mesa Verde cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 62471, 10/30/1979. |
Sclerocactus wetlandicus | Uinta Basin hookless cactus | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 58868, 10/11/1979; 74 FR 47112, 9/15/2009. |
Sclerocactus wrightiae | Wright fishhook cactus | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 58866, 10/11/1979. |
Scutellaria floridana | Florida skullcap | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 19813, 5/8/1992. |
Scutellaria montana | Large-flowered skullcap | Wherever found | T | 51 FR 22521, 6/20/1986; 67 FR 1662, 1/14/2002. |
Senecio layneae | Layne's butterweed | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 54346, 10/18/1996. |
Serianthes nelsonii | Hayun lagu (Guam), Tronkon guafi (Rota) | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 4907, 2/18/1987; 52 FR 6651, 5/4/1987. |
Sesbania tomentosa | Ohai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(g); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Sibara filifolia | Santa Cruz Island rock-cress | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 42692, 8/8/1997. |
Sicyos albus (=alba) | Anunu | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996, 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Sicyos lanceoloideus | Anunu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Sicyos macrophyllus | Anunu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Sidalcea keckii | Keck's checkermallow | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 7757, 2/16/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Sidalcea oregana var. calva | Wenatchee Mountains checker-mallow | Wherever found | E | 64 FR 71680, 12/22/1999; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Sidalcea oregana ssp. valida | Kenwood Marsh checker-mallow | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Sidalcea pedata | Pedate checker-mallow | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 34497, 8/31/1984. |
Sideroxylon reclinatum ssp. austrofloridense | Everglades bully | Wherever found | T | 82 FR 46691, 10/06/2017. |
Silene alexandri | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Silene hawaiiensis | No common name | Wherever found | T | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Silene lanceolata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Silene perlmanii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Silene polypetala | Fringed campion | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 1932, 1/18/1991. |
Silene spaldingii | Spalding's catchfly | Wherever found | T | 66 FR 51597, 10/10/2001. |
Sisyrinchium dichotomum | White irisette | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 48752, 9/26/1991. |
Solanum conocarpum | Marron bacora | Wherever found | E | 87 FR 36225, 6/16/2022; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Solanum drymophilum | Erubia | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 32827, 8/26/1988. |
Solanum guamense | Biringenas halumtanu, Birengenas halom tano | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Solanum incompletum | Popolo ku mai | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 10/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Solanum nelsonii | Popolo | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Solanum sandwicense | Aiakeakua, popolo | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Solidago houghtonii | Houghton's goldenrod | Wherever found | T | 53 FR 27134, 7/18/1988. |
Solidago shortii | Short's goldenrod | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 36085, 9/5/1985. |
Solidago spithamaea | Blue Ridge goldenrod | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 12306, 3/28/1985. |
Spermolepis hawaiiensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c) CH; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Sphaeralcea gierischii | Gierisch mallow | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 49149, 8/13/2013. |
Spigelia gentianoides | Gentian pinkroot | Wherever found | E | 55 FR 49046, 11/26/1990. |
Spiraea virginiana | Virginia spiraea | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 24241, 6/15/1990. |
Spiranthes delitescens | Canelo Hills ladies'-tresses | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 665, 1/6/1997. |
Spiranthes diluvialis | Ute ladies'-tresses | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 2048, 1/17/1992. |
Spiranthes parksii | Navasota ladies'-tresses | Wherever found | E | 47 FR 19539, 5/6/1982. |
Stahlia monosperma | Cóbana negra | Wherever found | T | 55 FR 12790, 4/5/1990. |
Stenogyne angustifolia var. angustifolia | No common name | Wherever found | E | 44 FR 62468, 10/30/1979. |
Stenogyne bifida | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Stenogyne campanulata | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Stenogyne cranwelliae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Stenogyne kaalae ssp. sherffii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Stenogyne kanehoana | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20592, 5/13/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Stenogyne kauaulaensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Stenogyne kealiae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Stephanomeria malheurensis | Malheur wire-lettuce | Wherever found | E | 47 FR 50881, 11/10/1982; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Streptanthus albidus ssp. albidus | Metcalf Canyon jewelflower | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Streptanthus bracteatus | Bracted twistflower | Wherever found | T | 88 FR 21844, April 11, 2023; 50 CFR 17.73(h); 4d 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Streptanthus niger | Tiburon jewelflower | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 6671, 2/3/1995. |
Styrax platanifolius ssp. texanus | Texas snowbells | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 40035, 10/12/1984. |
Styrax portoricensis | Palo de jazmfn | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. |
Suaeda californica | Sea-blite, California | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 64613, 12/15/1994. |
Swallenia alexandrae | Eureka dune grass, Eureka Valley dune grass, or Eureka dunegrass | Wherever found | T | 83 FR 8576, 2/27/18. |
Tabernaemontana rotensis | No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Taraxacum californicum | California taraxacum | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1988; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ternstroemia luquillensis | Palo colorado | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. |
Ternstroemia subsessilis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 14782, 4/22/1992. |
Tetramolopium arenarium | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994. |
Tetramolopium capillare | Pamakani | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49860, 9/30/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Tetramolopium filiforme | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Tetramolopium remyi | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Tetramolopium rockii | No common name | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 46325, 10/8/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Thalictrum cooleyi | Cooley's meadowrue | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 5935, 2/7/1989. |
Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis | Howell's spectacular thelypody | Wherever found | T | 64 FR 28393, 5/26/1999. |
Thelypodium stenopetalum | Slender-petaled mustard | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 34497, 8/31/1984. |
Thlaspi californicum | Kneeland Prairie penny-cress | Wherever found | E | 65 FR 6332, 2/9/2000; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Thymophylla tephroleuca | Ashy dogweed | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 29232, 7/19/1984. |
Thysanocarpus conchuliferus | Santa Cruz Island fringepod | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. |
Tinospora homosepala | No common name | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Townsendia aprica | Last Chance townsendia | Wherever found | T | 50 FR 33734, 8/21/1985. |
Trematolobelia singularis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Trichilia triacantha | Bariaco | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 3565, 2/5/1988. |
Trifolium amoenum | Showy Indian clover | Wherever found | E | 62 FR 54791, 10/22/1997. |
Trifolium stoloniferum | Running buffalo clover | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 21478, 6/5/1987. |
Trifolium trichocalyx | Monterey clover | Wherever found | E | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998. |
Trillium persistens | Persistent trillium | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. |
Trillium reliquum | Relict trillium | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 10879, 4/4/1988. |
Tuberolabium guamense | No common name | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59423, 10/1/2015. |
Tuctoria greenei | Greene's tuctoria | Wherever found | T | 62 FR 14338, 3/26/1997; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Tuctoria mucronata | Solano grass | Wherever found | T | 43 FR 44810, 9/28/1978; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Urera kaalae | Opuhe | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Varronia rupicola | No common name | Wherever found | T | 79 FR 53303, 9/9/2014; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Verbena californica | Red Hills vervain | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 49006, 9/14/1998. |
Verbesina dissita | Big-leaved crownbeard | Wherever found | T | 61 FR 52370, 10/7/1996. |
Vernonia proctorii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25755, 4/27/1993. |
Vicia menziesii | Hawaiian vetch | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978. |
Vigna o-wahuensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana | Pamakani | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Viola helenae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47695, 9/20/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Viola kauaiensis var. wahiawaensis | Nani waialeale | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Viola lanaiensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991. |
Viola oahuensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Warea amplexifolia | Wide-leaf warea | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 15501, 4/29/1987. |
Warea carteri | Carter's mustard | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 2227, 1/21/1987. |
Wikstroemia skottsbergiana | Akia | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Wikstroemia villosa | Akia | Wherever found | E | 78 FR 32013, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Wilkesia hobdyi | Dwarfiliau | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27859, 6/22/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Xylosma crenatum | No common name | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20580, 5/13/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). CH |
Xyris tennesseensis | Tennessee yellow-eyed grass | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 34151, 7/26/1991. |
Yermo xanthocephalus | Desert yellowhead | Wherever found | T | 67 FR 11442, 3/14/2002; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Zanthoxylum dipetalum var. tomentosum | Ae | Wherever found | E | 61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Zanthoxylum hawaiiense | Ae | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). CH |
Zanthoxylum oahuense | Ae | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Zanthoxylum thomasianum | St. Thomas prickly-ash | Wherever found | E | 50 FR 51867, 12/20/1985. |
Zizania texana | Texas wild-rice | Wherever found | E | 43 FR 17910, 4/26/1978; 50 CFR 17.96(a). CH |
Ziziphus celata | Florida ziziphus | Wherever found | E | 54 FR 31190, 7/27/1989. |
Conifers and Allies | ||||
Abies guatemalensis | Guatemalan fir (=pinabete) | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 65002, 11/8/1979. |
Cupressus goveniana ssp. goveniana | Gowen cypress | Wherever found | T | 63 FR 43100, 8/12/1998. |
Cycas micronesica | Fadang, faadang | Wherever found | T | 80 FR 59424, 10/1/2015. |
Fitzroya cupressoides | Alerce or Chilean false larch | Wherever found | T | 44 FR 64730, 11/7/1979. |
Hesperocyparis abramsiana | Santa Cruz cypress | Wherever found | T | 52 FR 675, 1/8/1987; 81 FR 8408, 2/19/2016. |
Torreya taxifolia | Florida torreya | Wherever found | E | 49 FR 2783, 1/23/1984. |
Ferns and Allies | ||||
Adenophorus periens | Palai laau | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); 50 CFR 17.99(i); 50 CFR 17.99(k). |
Asplenium dielerectum | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); 50 CFR 17.99(c); 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); 50 CFR 17.99(i); 50 CFR 17.99(k). |
Asplenium diellaciniatum | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Asplenium (= Diellia ) dielfalcatum (= falcata ) | No common name | Wherever found | E | 56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Asplenium (=Diellia) dielmannii (=mannii) | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Asplenium (= Diellia ) dielpallidum (= pallida ) | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1). |
Asplenium peruvianum var. insulare | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49025, 9/26/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k). CH |
Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum | American hart's-tongue fern | Wherever found | T | 54 FR 29726, 7/14/1989. |
Asplenium (=Diellia) unisorum (=unisora) | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 32932, 6/27/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Ctenitis squamigera | Pauoa | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49025, 9/26/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Cyathea dryopteroides | Elfin tree fern | Wherever found | E | 52 FR 22936, 6/16/1987. |
Deparia kaalaana | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Diplazium molokaiense | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49025, 9/26/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Doryopteris angelica | No common name | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Doryopteris takeuchii | No common name | Wherever found | E | 77 FR 57647, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Dryopteris glabra var. pusilla | Hohiu | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Dryopteris crinalis var. podosorus | Palapalai aumakua | Wherever found | E | 75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR 17.99(a). CH |
Elaphoglossum serpens | None | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 32308, 6/9/1993. |
Hypolepis hawaiiensis var. mauiensis | Olua | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Isoetes louisianensis | Louisiana quillwort | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 48741, 10/28/1992. |
Isoetes melanospora | Black-spored quillwort | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 3560, 2/5/1988. |
Isoetes tegetiformans | Mat-forming quillwort | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 3560, 2/5/1988. |
Marsilea villosa | Ihiihi | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 27863, 6/22/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i). CH |
Menisciopsis boydiae | Kupukupu makalii | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Microlepia strigosa var. mauiensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Phlegmariurus mannii | Wawaeiole | Wherever found | E | 57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1). |
Phlegmariurus nutans | Wawaeiole | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1); 50 CFR 17.99(i). |
Phlegmariurus stemmermanniae | No common name | Wherever found | E | 81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016. |
Pinus albicaulis | Whitebark pine | Wherever found | T | 87 FR 76882, 12/15/2022; 50 CFR 17.74(a).4d |
Polystichum aleuticum | Aleutian shield-fern | Wherever found | E | 53 FR 4626, 2/17/1988. |
Polystichum calderonense | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 32308, 6/9/1993. |
Pteris lidgatei | No common name | Wherever found | E | 59 FR 49025, 9/26/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(c). CH |
Tectaria estremerana | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 32308, 6/9/1993. |
Thelypteris inabonensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 35887, 7/2/1993. |
Thelypteris pilosa var. alabamensis | Alabama streak-sorus fern | Wherever found | T | 57 FR 30164, 7/8/1992. |
Thelypteris verecunda | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 35887, 7/2/1993. |
Thelypteris yaucoensis | No common name | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 35887, 7/2/1993. |
Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum | Florida bristle fern | Wherever found | E | 80 FR 60440, 10/6/2015; 50 CFR 17.96(b)(1). CH |
Lichens | ||||
Cladonia perforata | Florida perforate cladonia | Wherever found | E | 58 FR 25746, 4/27/1993. |
Gymnoderma lineare | Rock gnome lichen | Wherever found | E | 60 FR 3557, 1/18/1995. |
Mosses | ||||
Donrichardsia macroneuron | South Llano springs moss | Wherever found | E | 88 FR 25543, 4/27/2023. |
[81 FR 51583, Aug. 4, 2016, as amended at 81 FR 55301, Aug. 18, 2016; 81 FR 62832, Sept. 13, 2016; 81 FR 66864, Sept. 29, 2016; 81 FR 67857, Sept. 30, 2016; 81 FR 70059, Oct. 11, 2016; 82 FR 42259, Sept. 7, 2017; 82 FR 46715, Oct. 6, 2017; 83 FR 8603, Feb. 27, 2018; 83 FR 21936, May 11, 2018; 83 FR 22401, May 15, 2018; 83 FR 25404, June 1, 2018; 83 FR 52786, Oct. 18, 2018; 84 FR 59587, Nov. 5, 2019; 86 FR 13215, Mar. 8, 2021; 86 FR 31858, June 15, 2021; 86 FR 31972, 31986, June 16, 2021; 86 FR 48568, Aug. 31, 2021; 86 FR 57375, Oct. 15, 2021; 86 FR 67358, Nov. 26, 2021; 87 FR 6063, Feb. 3, 2022; 87 FR 18738, March 31, 2022; 87 FR 35456, June 10, 2022; 87 FR 36245, June 16, 2022; 87 FR 40114, July 6, 2022; 87 FR 51932, Aug. 24, 2022; 87 FR 66607, Nov. 4, 2022; 87 FR 68382, Nov. 15, 2022; 87 FR 74013, Dec. 2, 2022; 87 FR 76882, Dec. 15, 2022; 87 FR 77399, Dec. 16, 2022; 87 FR 78604, Dec. 22, 2022; 88 FR 2026, January 12, 2023; 88 FR 4792, Jan. 25, 2023; 88 FR 7144, Feb. 2, 2023; 88 FR 12592, Feb. 28, 2023; 88 FR 21866, April 11, 2023; 88 FR 25238, April 25, 2023; 88 FR 25557, April 27, 2023; 88 FR 28874, May 4, 2023; 88 FR 30057, May 10, 2023; 88 FR 46110, July 19, 2023; 88 FR 57209, Aug. 22, 2023; 88 FR 69095, Oct. 5, 2023; 88 FR 71504, Oct. 17, 2023; 88 FR 74906, Nov. 1, 2023; 88 FR 76696, Nov. 7, 2023; 89 FR 15779, March 5, 2024; 89 FR 17955, March 12, 2024]
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