Agency Publication
Pension Protection Act of 2006
Title XIV Tariff Provisions
Subtitle A Temporary Duty Suspensions and Reductions
Chapter 1 New Duty Suspension and Reductions
(a) CALENDAR YEAR 2006.-Subchapter II of chapter 99 is amended by inserting in numerical sequence the following new heading:
"9902.12.06 | 1,3-Benzenedicarbonitrile (CAS No. 626-17-5) (provided for in subheading 2926.90.48) | 3.04% | No change | No change | On or before 12/31/2009". |
(b) CALENDAR YEAR 2007.-
(b)(1) IN GENERAL.-Heading 9902.12.06, as added by subsection (a), is amended-
(b)(1)(A) by striking"3.04%"and inserting"3.23%"; and
(b)(1)(B) by striking"On or before 12/31/2006"and inserting"On or before 12/31/2007".
(b)(2) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on January 1, 2007.
(c) CALENDAR YEARS 2008 AND 2009.-
(c)(1) IN GENERAL.-Heading 9902.12.06, as added by subsection (a) and amended by subsection (b), is further amended-
(c)(1)(A) by striking"3.23%"and inserting"3.4%"; and
(c)(1)(B) by striking"On or before 12/31/2007"and inserting"On or before 12/31/2009".
(c)(2) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on January 1, 2008.
(b)(1) IN GENERAL.-Heading 9902.12.06, as added by subsection (a), is amended-
(b)(1)(A) by striking"3.04%"and inserting"3.23%"; and
(b)(1)(B) by striking"On or before 12/31/2006"and inserting"On or before 12/31/2007".
(b)(2) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on January 1, 2007.
(c) CALENDAR YEARS 2008 AND 2009.-
(c)(1) IN GENERAL.-Heading 9902.12.06, as added by subsection (a) and amended by subsection (b), is further amended-
(c)(1)(A) by striking"3.23%"and inserting"3.4%"; and
(c)(1)(B) by striking"On or before 12/31/2007"and inserting"On or before 12/31/2009".
(c)(2) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on January 1, 2008.