For the purposes of this subpart, the following definitions apply:
stands for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
means the difference between expenses incurred by a qualified high risk pool, including payment of claims and administrative expenses, and the premiums collected by the pool.
Qualified high risk pool
means a high risk pool that meets the conditions described in §148.128(a)(2)(ii):
(1) It provides to all eligible individuals, as defined in §148.103, health insurance coverage (or comparable coverage) that does not impose any preexisting condition exclusion or affiliation periods for coverage of an eligible individual; and
(2) Provides for premium rates and covered benefits for the coverage consistent with the standards included in the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Model Health Plan for Uninsurable Individuals Act (as in effect as of August 21, 1996) but only if the model has been revised in State regulations to meet all of the requirements of this part and title 27 of the PHS Act.
Standard risk rate
means a rate developed by a State using reasonable actuarial techniques and taking into account the premium rates charged by other insurers offering health insurance coverage to individuals in the same geographical service area to which the rate applies. The standard rate may be adjusted based upon age, sex, and geographical location.
for purposes of this subpart, means any of the 50 States and the District of Columbia or any entity to which a State has delegated the authority to conduct risk pool operations.
State fiscal year,
for purposes of this subpart, means the fiscal year used for accounting purposes by either a State or a risk pool entity to which a State has delegated the authority to conduct risk pool operations.
[68 FR 23414, May 2, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 15700, Mar. 26, 2004]