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Test Your CMV Inspections Knowledge

This quiz will test your knowledge of CMV inspections. Click below to see answers.

  1. In general, all carriers and intermodal equipment providers (IEPs) engaged in interstate and foreign commerce (including officers, drivers, agents, representatives, and employees directly concerned with commercial motor vehicle (CMV) inspection or maintenance) must be knowledgeable of and comply with the federal inspection regulations.
    1. True
    2. False
  2. Non-business, private motor carriers of passengers, such as churches, civic organizations, and scout groups, are not exempt from the recordkeeping and post-trip inspection reporting requirements of the federal inspection regulations.
    1. True
    2. False
  3. The driver of a commercial motor vehicle must perform an en-route cargo inspection within 25 miles of beginning a trip and at every change in duty status, or after every 3 hours, or after every 150 miles, whichever occurs first.
    1. True
    2. False
  4. If the last driver who drove the CMV prepared a driver’s vehicle inspection report (DVIR) indicating that the vehicle had a defect, the next driver must review it.
    1. True
    2. False
  5. Federal regulations require that drivers be satisfied that basic parts and accessories are in good working order before driving a CMV. This pretrip evaluation must include the following parts and accessories:
    1. Service brakes, including trailer brake connections
    2. Steering mechanism
    3. Lighting devices and reflectors
    4. Horn(s)
    5. All of the above

Test Your CMV Inspections Knowledge: Answers

Test Yourself quiz answers:

  1. a: True. The federal inspection regulations found in Part 396 (as well as the criteria used to perform an annual inspection found in Appendix A) apply to all CMVs and the employers and employees operating them.
  2. b: False. These types of organizations are exempt from the recordkeeping and post-trip inspection reporting requirements of the federal inspection regulations.
  3. b: False. The driver of the CMV must make en-route cargo inspections within 50 miles of beginning a trip, not 25 miles (although 25 miles may be better from a practical perspective).
  4. a: True. The next driver must review the DVIR and sign it, acknowledging that the defect was corrected (or didn’t need correcting) before driving.
  5. e: All of the above. Parking brakes, tires, windshield wiper(s), rear-vision mirrors, coupling devices, wheels and rims, and emergency equipment must also be evaluated.