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Means of protection
  • Listing gives more recognition to a species' unstable status, helping inspire conservation work by other agencies, independent groups, and concerned citizens.
  • The ESA makes it illegal to possess, sell, or move any listed species taken illegally.

Species that hit the Endangered Species Act (ESA) definitions of endangered species or threatened species are added to the lists and are eligible for important habitat selection. The conservation benefits for listed threatened and endangered plants and animals include:

  • Protection from federal actions risking safety;
  • Security of important habitats from being destroyed or negatively changed;
  • Restrictions on take and trade; a requirement that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) create and carry out recovery plans for listed species under U.S. jurisdiction;
  • Permission to seek land purchases or exchanges for critical habitat; and
  • Federal funds for state conservation divisions with joint endangered species agreements.

Listing gives more recognition to a species' unstable status, helping inspire conservation work by other agencies (foreign, national, state, and local), independent groups, and concerned citizens.

In accordance with congress, all federal agencies must try to preserve endangered and threatened species and use their authorities to help further the goals of the ESA. Likewise, federal agencies are directed to use their authorities to implement conservation programs for listed species. The ESA also requires federal agencies to ensure that any actions they fund, allow, or implement are not likely to put the survival of any endangered or threatened species at risk, or to destroy or negatively change its appointed important habitats. The moment an agency discovers that an action may affect a listed species, it must consult with the USFWS to avoid harming the species or its habitat. If needed, alternatives like project changes or rescheduling are proposed to help completion of the suggested action while still preserving the species or critical habitat.

Further protection is allowed by the ESA, which makes it illegal to take, import, export, or partake in interstate or international trade with listed animals except by permit for particular conservation reasons. Additionally, the ESA makes it illegal to possess, sell, or move any listed species taken in breach of the law. Trade limits are the same as other wildlife when it comes to plants, but the rules on take are not. It is unlawful to collect or spitefully harm any endangered plant on lands under federal control. Removing or hurting listed plants on state and private property in knowing breach of state law, or while breaking a state criminal trespass law, also is unlawful under the ESA. Some states may have stricter laws forbidding the take of state or nationally listed plants and animals.