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General stormwater permit notice of intent checklist

This guide outlines the elements needed to complete and submit an application for a stormwater multi-sector general permit Notice of Intent (NOI). This application must be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) via the online Net-MSGP system, within the Central Data Exchange (CDX) platform. This guide provides a complete list of information that an applicant will need to complete the process. Gathering this information ahead of time will streamline and improve the accuracy of the permit application.

A NOI for a general permit is a notification to the regulatory authority of a planned discharge for which National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) coverage under a general permit is needed. The NOI serves as the facility’s notice to the permitting authority that the facility intends for the discharge to be authorized under the terms and conditions of that general permit. Accuracy in the NOI application is critical because fraudulent or erroneous can invalidate permit coverage. Submitting an incomplete NOI will delay permit coverage.

Part 1. NOI application online system access

Before beginning the application process, the following set-up is necessary for access to the online applications:

  • Gain access to EPA Central Data Exchange (CDX) system
  • Get access to Net-MSGP online system
  • Establish Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) roles, signatory and preparer, in Net-MSGP system
  • Assign users to the facility or create a new facility, if not previously established in the Net-MSGP system

Part 2. Information needed for NOI application

  • Name of facility or activity subject to the regulation
    • This is the “point source” that is subject to regulation under the NPDES program.
  • Operator Information
    • Legal name of the Operator
      • The operator is the entity with operational control over the industrial activities at the facility. The operator must also have the authority over activities and decisions that maintain compliance with the permit.
    • Mailing address (including street address, city, state, zip code, and county)
    • Contact Information (name, job title, phone number, and email address)
  • Facility Information (facility name will be populated from answering number 1)
    • Physical address (including street address, city, state, zip code, and county)
    • Facility latitude and longitude coordinates
    • Description of ownership type. For example, state government, corporation, tribal reservation, etc.
    • Estimated area of industrial activity at your facility exposed to stormwater
    • Sector-specific information including primary sector, primary subsector, and primary SIC Code. Multiple sectors can be added.
    • Indication if the facility is inactive or unstaffed
  • Discharge Information
    • Indicate if the facility will discharge into a Municipal Separate Sewer System (MS4).
    • Facility outfall information will be added for each discharge point. For each outfall the identification, description, latitude, longitude, and map location are required.
    • Discharge receiving waters must be added, including total maximum daily load (TMDL) information for the receiving waters.
      • Within Net-MSGP there is a “Lookup Receiving Water Information” tool that can assist applicants in getting this data.
    • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) information
      • A SWPPP must be prepared for the facility prior to filing the NOI application.
      • SWPPP Contact information (name, job title, phone number, and email address)
      • Certain information from your SWPPP must be made available through one of the following three options:
        • Attach a current copy of SWPPP.
        • Maintain a copy of your SWPPP on an Internet page.
        • Answer a 4-part question to provide the necessary information from your SWPPP.
    • Endangered Species Protection coverage
      • Indication of potential impacts to endangered species or critical habitat. The application has five criteria options for applicants to select from. Those options are:
        • No listed species or critical habitat are in the action area
        • Another operator has certified listed species and critical habitat eligibility for the action area under the current MSGP
        • Discharges and discharge related activities are not likely to adversely affect listed species and critical habitat
        • A separate Endangered Species Act (ESA) section 7 consultation has been completed
        • An ESA section 10 permit has been issued
      • Applicants must attach copies of any communication with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service
    • Historic Preservation
      • Applicants must indicate is the facility is located on Indian country lands or land with cultural significance to an Indian tribe.
      • Applicants must indicate if the facility has historic property preservation considerations.

Part 3. Saving or submitting an NOI application

Once done working on the NOI application there are four actions that can be taken:

  • No action at this time
    • This status allows the application to be saved to be completed later.
    • Use this option when you need to take a break to gather more data or for any reason you cannot complete the application at that time.
  • Flag for certification
    • When the application is competed and ready for be certified, the preparer should flag for certification to lock information and notify the signatory.
    • The application will remain in this status and the review period will not begin until further action is taken by the signatory or preparer.
  • Certify Form
    • Once the application is complete the signatory will sign and submit form to the EPA.
    • By signing and submitting the NOI, the signatory is certifying that the discharge meets all the eligibility conditions specified in the general permit and that the operator intends to follow the terms and conditions of the permit.
    • Once certified, the application status will update to show “Under Review.”
    • The review period lasts 30 days. After 30 days the facility will be covered under the MSGP.