§173.2a Classification of a material having more than one hazard.
§173.3 Packaging and exceptions.
§173.4 Small quantities for highway and rail.
§173.4b De minimis exceptions.
§173.5 Agricultural operations.
§173.5b Portable and mobile refrigeration systems.
§173.6 Materials of trade exceptions.
§173.7 Government operations and materials.
§173.8 Exceptions for non-specification packagings used in intrastate transportation.
§173.9 Transport vehicles or freight containers containing lading which has been fumigated.
§173.11 Exceptions for shipment of light bulbs containing hazardous materials.
§173.12 Exceptions for shipment of waste materials.
§173.13 Exceptions for class 3, divisions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 6.1, and classes 8 and 9 materials.
§173.14 Hazardous materials in equipment in use or intended for use during transport.