§227.14 Criteria for evaluating the need for ocean dumping and alternatives to ocean dumping.
This subpart C states the basis on which an evaluation will be made of the need for ocean dumping, and alternatives to ocean dumping. The nature of these factors does not permit the promulgation of specific quantitative criteria of each permit application. These factors will therefore be evaluated if applicable for each proposed dumping on an individual basis using the guidelines specified in this subpart C.
§227.15 Factors considered.
The need for dumping will be determined by evaluation of the following factors:
(a) Degree of treatment useful and feasible for the waste to be dumped, and whether or not the waste material has been or will be treated to this degree before dumping;
(b) Raw materials and manufacturing or other processes resulting in the waste, and whether or not these materials or processes are essential to the provision of the applicant's goods or services, or if other less polluting materials or processes could be used;
(c) The relative environmental risks, impact and cost for ocean dumping as opposed to other feasible alternatives including but not limited to:
(1) Land fill;
(2) Well injection;
(3) Incineration;
(4) Spread of material over open ground;
(5) Recycling of material for reuse;
(6) Additional biological, chemical, or physical treatment of intermediate or final waste streams;
(7) Storage.
(d) Irreversible or irretrievable consequences of the use of alternatives to ocean dumping.
§227.16 Basis for determination of need for ocean dumping.
(a) A need for ocean dumping will be considered to have been demonstrated when a thorough evaluation of the factors listed in §227.15 has been made, and the Administrator, Regional Administrator or District Engineer, as the case may be, has determined that the following conditions exist where applicable:
(1) There are no practicable improvements which can be made in process technology or in overall waste treatment to reduce the adverse impacts of the waste on the total environment;
(2) There are no practicable alternative locations and methods of disposal or recycling available, including without limitation, storage until treatment facilities are completed, which have less adverse environmental impact or potential risk to other parts of the environment than ocean dumping.
(b) For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, waste treatment or improvements in processes and alternative methods of disposal are practicable when they are available at reasonable incremental cost and energy expenditures, which need not be competitive with the costs of ocean dumping, taking into account the environmental benefits derived from such activity, including the relative adverse environmental impacts associated with the use of alternatives to ocean dumping.
(c) The duration of permits issued under subchapter H and other terms and conditions imposed in those permits shall be determined after taking into account the factors set forth in this section. Notwithstanding compliance with subparts B, D, and E of this part 227 permittees may, on the basis of the need for and alternatives to ocean dumping, be required to terminate all ocean dumping by a specified date, to phase out all ocean dumping over a specified period or periods, to continue research and development of alternative methods of disposal and make periodic reports of such research and development in order to provide additional information for periodic review of the need for and alternatives to ocean dumping, or to take such other action as the Administrator, the Regional Administrator, or District Engineer, as the case may be, determines to be necessary or appropriate.