Subpart D-Transfer, Modification, Revocation and Reissuance, and Termination of Permits RegSenseMunicipal WastewaterWater PermittingPoint SourcesCFR SubpartCFR RegulationsWater ProgramsEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)Water QualityIndustrial WastewaterEnvironmentalWater QualityStormwaterEnglishFocus AreaUSA
§122.61 Transfer of permits (applicable to State programs, see §123.25).§122.62 Modification or revocation and reissuance of permits (applicable to State programs, see §123.25).§122.63 Minor modifications of permits.§122.64 Termination of permits (applicable to State programs, see §123.25).READ MORESHOW LESS['Water Programs']['Point Sources', 'Water Permitting', 'Stormwater', 'Municipal Wastewater', 'Industrial Wastewater', 'Water Quality']