['Hazardous Materials Safety - OSHA']
['Liquefied Petroleum Gases']
Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is used in many workplaces for a variety of reasons. LPG poses a great hazard if not handled, used, and stored properly.
OSHA’s LPG requirements apply to employers who have employees who use or are exposed to LPG. Depending on the type of work yielding the exposure, the quantities, and other factors, there are varying requirements.
Exemptions This regulation does not apply to:
- Marine and pipeline terminals, natural gas processing plants, refineries, or tank farms other than those at industrial sites;
- LPG refrigerated storage systems;
- LPG when used with oxygen. The requirements of 1910.253 apply to such use;
- LPG when used in utility gas plants. (For this usage, the National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases at Utility Gas Plants, NFPA No. 59-1968, will apply.); and
- Low-pressure (not in excess of one-half pound per square inch or 14 inches water column) LPG piping systems, and the installation and operation of residential and commercial appliances including their inlet connections, supplied through such systems. (For these systems, the National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Installation of Gas Appliances and Gas Piping, NFPA 54-1969 will apply.)
Regulatory citations
- 29 CFR 1910.110 — Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases
Key definitions
- API-ASME container: A container designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with the Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, section VIII, Division 1, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1968 edition, which is incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6.
- Approved: Unless otherwise indicated, listing or approval by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Refer to 1910.7 for definition of nationally recognized testing laboratory.
- Container assembly: An assembly consisting essentially of the container and fittings for all container openings, including shutoff valves, excess flow valves, liquid-level gauging devices, safety relief devices, and protective housing.
- Containers: All vessels, such as tanks, cylinders, or drums, used for transportation or storing liquefied petroleum gases.
- DOT: Department of Transportation.
- DOT container: A container constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of 49 CFR Chapter 1 (DOT Specifications).
- DOT cylinders: Cylinders meeting the requirements of 49 CFR Chapter I (DOT Specifications).
- DOT Specifications: Regulations of the Department of Transportation published in 49 CFR Chapter I.
- Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG and/or LP-Gas): Any material which is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons, or mixtures of them; propane, propylene, butanes (normal butane or iso-butane), and butylenes.
- Listed: Unless otherwise indicated, listing or approval by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Refer to 1910.7 for definition of nationally recognized testing laboratory.
- Movable fuel storage tenders or farm carts: Containers not in excess of 1,200 gallons water capacity, equipped with wheels to be towed from one location of usage to another. They are basically nonhighway vehicles, but may occasionally be moved over public roads or highways. They are used as a fuel supply for farm tractors, construction machinery and similar equipment.
- P.S.I.G.: Pounds per square inch gauge.
- P.S.I.A.: Pounds per square inch absolute.
- Systems: An assembly of equipment consisting essentially of the container or containers, major devices such as vaporizers, safety relief valves, excess flow valves, regulators, and piping connecting such parts.
- Vaporizer (burner): An integral vaporizer-burner unit, dependent upon the heat generated by the burner as the source of heat to vaporize the liquid used for dehydrators or dryers.
- Ventilation (adequate): When specified for the prevention of fire during normal operation, ventilation shall be considered adequate when the concentration of the gas in a gas-air mixture does not exceed 25 percent of the lower flammable limit.
Summary of requirements
In general, covered employees are required to:
- Properly design and installLPG tanks and containers.
- Properly design and install drainage, dikes, and walls for aboveground tanks.
- Use only approved containersfor LPG.
- Follow the construction requirementsfor LPG tanks and containers.
- Follow LPG storage amount limitationsfor warehouses or storage buildings.
- Follow LPG storage amount limitationsoutside of buildings.
- Follow the precautions to prevent the ignitionof flammable vapors.
- Follow the requirements for providing appropriate firefighting equipment in areas where LPG is stored and used.
- Employ the required maintenance and operating practicesto control leakage and prevent the accidental escape of LPG.
['Hazardous Materials Safety - OSHA']
['Liquefied Petroleum Gases']
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