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Chemical Data Reporting: 5 tips for a winning report

Chemical Data Reporting: 5 tips for a winning report

It’s time for that special event that happens once every four years, often testing the endurance of the participants who’ve spent the prior years preparing for this very moment. No, it’s not the Summer Olympics, though that’s a great guess. It’s the Chemical Data Report!

Under the Toxic Substances Control ACT (TSCA), the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule requires manufacturers (including importers) to report information on the production and use of chemicals in commerce if they meet certain production volume thresholds at any one site. The submission period for the 2024 report runs from June 1 to September 30, 2024.

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Stand up to Confined Spaces during the National Safety Stand-Down

Stand up to Confined Spaces during the National Safety Stand-Down

Want to learn what other companies are doing to prevent confined space fatalities? Or are you interested in helping prevent one of the approximate 127 annual confined space fatalities? Then read on!

Any employer interested in preventing workplace hazards can participate in the May 6-10, 2024, National Safety Stand-Down. Although this year’s topic is preventing Falls in Construction, employers can address confined space hazards as well with this initiative.

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Leave as an accommodation and no-fault attendance points don’t mix

Leave as an accommodation and no-fault attendance points don’t mix

When a court opinion begins with “This case illustrates one reason why the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) exists,” you know you’re in trouble.

Employees must miss work sometimes. When that leave is for valid reasons, like a disability, employers must ensure their disciplinary steps aren’t an ADA violation. Employers with no-fault attendance policies should not apply attendance points to such ADA-related absences, one employer learned.

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Mandatory job transfers could be discrimination, Supreme Court ruled

Mandatory job transfers could be discrimination, Supreme Court ruled

The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled on April 17 that making an employee transfer to a similar job, even at the same rate of pay, could be job discrimination.

Thus, the unanimous decision makes it easier for employees to sue employers for discrimination when such measures are taken.

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